Search found 74 matches

by kevlartester
Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:29 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Server lag since RC5
Replies: 14
Views: 16540

Server lag since RC5

our server, running rc3, has been crashed by the hoster and we decided to install v3 rc5...thats one week ago and the problem now is that the ping of our server nearly doubled (means before i had a ping of 50 tom max 70 and now its about 120) the only change we did was in the saving mode...before th...
by kevlartester
Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:05 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: If i donate will...
Replies: 25
Views: 30094

how about using SQLite ?
just enter a name in your wc3 config file
and it works...
by kevlartester
Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:29 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Bad load???
Replies: 18
Views: 20512

wc3ft v2.3.2 is NOT running on amxx v1.76c
option 1: upgrade wc3ft to v3.x
option 2: downgrade your amxx to v1.71

looks like i was a little wrong with option 2....
wc3ft v2.3.2 wont run on amxx v1.75+ would run on amxx v1.71 i believe
by kevlartester
Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:52 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Problem with shopmenu
Replies: 9
Views: 12081

good idea (even if i wont use it xD )
but may you could add some item-names as console comment
e.g.: for mole you just type "mole" into your console to buy it

-> im not a coder so i dont know how difficult this would be - just do the easyer way ;)
by kevlartester
Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:41 pm
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Problem with shopmenu
Replies: 9
Views: 12081

or try this if you want to bind the item on a button:
for tome:
bind <your button> "shopmenu;wait;wait;wait;slot9"
for mole:
bind <your button> "shopmenu2;wait;wait;wait;slot9"
(may you'll have to add some "wait;"-commands)
by kevlartester
Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:38 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Disabling givexp
Replies: 7
Views: 15577

maybe he was both...means he was cameleon before and bought mole when he had enough money... (btw i never tried that but he should look like his o-model i think)
by kevlartester
Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:25 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: War3FT causing HLDS to crash
Replies: 4
Views: 5857

well im not playing dod but if the error says

Code: Select all

Missing sprite file 'sprites/warcraft3/snow.spr'
i would have a look on this file to see if it exists...
that should solve the problem
by kevlartester
Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:15 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: MySQL to vault
Replies: 10
Views: 13682

well i never worked with MySQL or SQLite and saved to nVault all the time...
will there be a possibility to "copy"/"transform" the XP from a nVault to an SQLite Database? or am i forced to reset all XP when i want to use RC6 ?
by kevlartester
Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:29 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Exact Bug Report for Version 3.0 (Latest Release)
Replies: 47
Views: 74705

have a look on this
by kevlartester
Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:21 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: moles
Replies: 4
Views: 7524

maybe he's talking about cl_minmodels but wc3ft v3 changes this to 0 i think...dunno about the outdated versions - never tryed that but it could be a possibility
by kevlartester
Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:14 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: War3FT causing HLDS to crash
Replies: 26
Views: 30928

thats exactly why i asked my question....cause i coulnd't believe that vista does not support all the files XP does or at least cannot handle with them....
thank you anders_dog ;)
by kevlartester
Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:23 pm
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: War3FT causing HLDS to crash
Replies: 26
Views: 30928

just to be sure....the crash wasnt caused by the "missing compatibility" of wc3ft mod and vista but of the missing sound/sprite i right?
just want to know that for the future...
by kevlartester
Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:42 pm
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Why wont the xp stay?
Replies: 16
Views: 17924

in fact that he is new to this i think he downloaded the latest version => v3.0 RC3 next thing i believe is that hes talking about a LAN-server he is running cause he said "until next time i start the server" => who would do things like that with an online server...whatever if i'm right you can see ...
by kevlartester
Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:04 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Orc nades
Replies: 7
Views: 9506

i mean , if you use v3.0 RC3 and open the folder i posted, you will find the file, named "skill_orc_nade.cfg" in this file you can enter all the maps, where the orc-nade should be disabled. e.g.: to disable on de_dust, you have to enter the line "de_dust". to disable it on all "de_" maps, you enter ...
by kevlartester
Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:42 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Orc nades
Replies: 7
Views: 9506

well in v3.0 its quite easy to turn it off...
just open the file cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\war3ft\disable\skill_orc_nade.cfg
and enter "*" in a row to disable that skill on all maps...
by kevlartester
Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:27 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: question about double buying items
Replies: 5
Views: 8841

the only items you can buy twice (or even more often) are - as i remember - neck and helm
all the other items you can buy only once
by kevlartester
Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:16 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: warcraft cheats?
Replies: 7
Views: 10952

maybe you could include the noncharge-helm and -neck as a cheat in the next update ;)
by kevlartester
Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:02 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: SQL Table
Replies: 11
Views: 12976

exists this file?:
i dont know exactly but amxx is useing this file instead of your mapcycle (these maps are in the voting)....delete it or configure it - may it helps
by kevlartester
Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:40 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [SUG] Shadow Hunter's Serpent Ward
Replies: 8
Views: 11414

sry but the problem not that you cannot reach the bombspot b/c of wards or planting a bomb into a CT ward but that its possible to plant the bomb into a T ward... and as ct - if this happend - its very hard to win the round, even with 5 rings and another shadowhunter staying next to you while defusi...
by kevlartester
Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:56 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [SUG] Shadow Hunter's Serpent Ward
Replies: 8
Views: 11414

on our server there is running v3.0 rc3 and i can tell you its possible on every de_map to place the serpent wards on every bombspot till the bomb is planted - that means even while planting the bomb...if the bomb is planted you cannot place the wartds next to the bomb - thats right, but all the tim...
by kevlartester
Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:19 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [SUG] Shadow Hunter's Serpent Ward
Replies: 8
Views: 11414

my big problem with the serpent wards is the fact that you can place them on bombspots/in the bombspotarea....most shadowhunters place three of them while planting the bomb and as a ct you'll die in a few seconds, having no chance to defuse the bomb till you find and kill the shadowhunter - who will...
by kevlartester
Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:32 am
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: W3FT changerace error!
Replies: 9
Views: 11103

hmmm....may you should use WC3FT v3.0 RC3 instead of v2.3.2 :wink:
by kevlartester
Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:40 pm
Forum: Help/Support
Topic: Debug Trace ??
Replies: 3
Views: 5612

you run cs 1.5? respect...very old but still good ;) well i think one of the last versions of wc3ft that supports cs 1.5 should be wc3ft v1.6.8 - i still know a server running this, but think of saving the xp (if you do) by name (what i would prefere) or ip cause there are no more WON-server online....
by kevlartester
Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:12 am
Forum: Help/Support
Replies: 19
Views: 21258

ä auch ma meinen senf dazuzugeben....zunächst einmal respekt dass du dir die mühe gemacht hast das zu übersetzten! naja...dumm wie ich bin habe ich das ganze selber mal ins deutsche übersetzt (wc3FT v 3 RC2) und dann erst gesehn, dass es hier angeboten wird.... habe mir dazu allerdings nich ...