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WC3 Menu Suggestions

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:09 pm
by SomeBigLuser
I figure the options to add/remove XP from a user would be very useful, and if adding/removing a level is also possible then it, too, would be useful. Also the cvars relating to changing race, orcnades, and the xp multipliers would help alot.

You mentioned forcing a player to a specific race, I think that would be great. But I have an idea along those lines. Force players to a certain race AND give them the highest level so that you could have 'Elf Fights', or 'insert favorite race' fights.

Also the ability to limit items in the shopmenu would be nice, or the entire shopmenu itself as well. I guess this goes along with changing if you have to be in a buyzone as well.

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure many people have other ideas as well. Not that all of this is possible - or even needed - but it would be nice. I'm so in love with the race fights idea!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:52 am
by ferret
Can you give me some examples on how these menus work? I don't use menus on my servers, just console commands. I can easily see how to toggle a cvar on and off, but I'm slightly confused on how best to handle something like wc3_givexp, where you need to specify a value to give/take. A menu that lists the players is easy.

I can add an mp_noshop cvar too. Limiting items is a little more tricky. Do-able for sure but I'll have to think up the best way.

Race fights is trickier. It would have to be setup (If its a toggle on/off kind of thing) to disable long term XP while in use. But I think we can do something along those lines. Two things will be added.. "ENABLE_RACEFIGHTS" in warcraft3.cfg so that people who don't want it don't waste CPU checking for it.

Then a cvar, mp_racefight # where # is a race id. 1-8 (undead, human, orc, nightelf, blood elf, troll, dwarf, lich). 0 is disabled.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:37 pm
by SomeBigLuser
Now I'm excited; the mere fact you think you can get the racefight thing to work! No pressure though, of course.

Typically when you can change things like xp it would be handled like changing the amount of dmg a slap does. Perhaps the easiest is to make it a small number like 10 and allow the person to press it a dozen times without the menu closing so that they can quickly give someone alot of XP to catch them up for example.

Another method is when you select the change xp portion of a menu, a submenu is brought up with options like "add 10", "add 1000", or "subtract 10", etc. Number that are far apart would be best because a person who wants, say, 100 could just press the "add 10" 10 times.

There may be better methods, but the first is how I made my ghetto rigged menu.