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Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:23 am
by LoKiTo

[ 1] Admin Base 1.75 AMXX Dev Team admin.amxx running
[ 2] Admin Commands 1.75 AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
[ 3] Admin Help 1.75 AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amxx running
[ 4] Slots Reservation 1.75 AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amxx running
[ 5] Multi-Lingual System 1.75 AMXX Dev Team running
[ 6] Menus Front-End 1.75 AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
[ 7] Commands Menu 1.75 AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amxx running
[ 8] Players Menu 1.75 AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
[ 9] Maps Menu 1.75 AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 10] Admin Chat 1.75 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amxx running
[ 11] Anti Flood 1.75 AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 12] Scrolling Message 1.75 AMXX Dev Team scrollmsg.amxx running
[ 13] Info. Messages 1.75 AMXX Dev Team imessage.amxx running
[ 14] Admin Votes 1.75 AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
[ 15] NextMap 1.75 AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
[ 16] TimeLeft 1.75 AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amxx running
[ 17] Pause Plugins 1.75 AMXX Dev Team pausecfg.amxx running
[ 18] Stats Configuration 1.75 AMXX Dev Team statscfg.amxx running
[ 19] Restrict Weapons 1.75 AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amxx running
[ 20] Warcraft 3 XP 2.6.3 ferret (Dopefish warcraft3.amxx running
20 plugins, 20 running


[ 1] Fun 1.75 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 2] Engine 1.75 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 3] nVault 1.75 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 4] CStrike 1.75 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 5] CSX 1.75 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
5 modules, 5 correct


[ 1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.75a ini ANY ANY
[ 2] WebMod RUN - v0.48 ini Start Never
[ 3] Fun RUN - v1.75 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 4] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386 v1.75 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 5] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i38 v1.75 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 6] CSX RUN - v1.75 pl1 ANY ANY
6 plugins, 6 running


// #########################################################
// #########################################################

#define SHORT_TERM 0 // Set this to 0 for long-term XP, and 1 for short-term XP.
// Configuration if the server is Steam or non-Steam is taken from the AMX setting
// in include/ now.

// If you set SHORT_TERM to 0 and activate long-term XP, you need a way to save the experience
// There are two methods, VAULT and MySQL. Both are extremely fast. One uses MySQL to store and
// the other uses AMX's VAULT, which is a file on your disk. Vault is default. If you enable
// MySQL, vault is automaticly disabled.
//#define MYSQL_ENABLED 1 // Set this to 1 to use mySQL database saving rather than vault.

// Language of ingame messages and menus from the warcraft3 plugin
// Please select only one. Change LANG_ENG to 0 if you pick German or French
//#define LANG_ENG 1 // English
//#define LANG_GER 0 // Deutsch / German
//#define LANG_FRE 0 // Français / French

// ### WARNING ###
// The following should only be used by experienced server operators! These are methods of converting
// various forms of saved experience between one another. If you do not know what you're doing
// you need to leave this alone!
// These provide the only method for converting from the old war3users.ini file to the new VAULT!

//#define CONVERT_TO_VAULT 0 // Convert from old war3users.ini file to Vault saving method. This
// will check for the file war3users.ini, and if it exists will
// convert it to Vault. Vault move war3users.ini to a file called
// war3users.bak. After conversion, this will not occur again unless
// you recreate war3users.ini.

//#define VAULT_PROTECT 1 // Turning this on will stop the conversion from war3users.ini from
// overwriting information already in the Vault. This is on by default.
// Turning this off could essentially provide a method of altering the
// Vault indirectly by creating your own war3index.ini. The Vault would
// convert and load the new information the next time the map changes or
// the server starts.

// ##########################
// #### END SERVER SETUP ####
// ##########################

// ################
// #### TWEAKS ####
// ##############################################################################################################
// ##############################################################################################################

// DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE MYSQL_AUTO_PRUNING do not work 100% correct at the moment, I would not recommend using them
// Vault pruning works fine.
#define DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE 31 // no longer uses the sv_daysbeforedelete cvar.
// However many days before deleting XP
// or pruning from MySQL database.

//#define MYSQL_AUTO_PRUNING 0 // Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange
// occuring between 5:36 to 5:59 AM. Use at your own risk...

//#define VAULT_PRUNE_LIMIT 5 // This is how often the vault prunes players. Default is every 5 days.
// This is not the same as DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE.
// Every 5 days it will check for players 14 days
// old, and delete those players from the vault.

#define SAVE_WITH_IP 1 // Set to 1 if the plugin should save via IP instead of AuthID
// Useful for servers running a patched cs1.6 for LAN

#define STARTINGLEVEL 1 // Which level should players start out at. Useful for long term servers
// or for clanwars / leagues.

//#define EXPANDED_RACES 1 // This line controls what races are available. By default, only the
// original four races are available. By uncommenting this, you enable
// the expanded races (8 total).

// ##############################################################################################################
// ##############################################################################################################
// These are settings to adjust the behavoir of the plugin to match your needs

#define BOMBPLANT_XP_BONUS 6 // What you see is what you get
#define DEFUSE_XP_BONUS 6 // These are set correctly for longterm XP
#define HOSTAGE_XP_BONUS 6 // Ex: 87 bomb plant bonus, gives you87 XP
#define KILLRESCUEMAN_XP_BONUS 6 // For short term XP, this is multiplied by 10
#define KILL_BOMB_CARRIER 6 // Set to 0 to disable entirely. Otherwise set to base XP to award.
#define VIP_KILL_BONUS 6 // Set to VIP killing reward. Note: You can give exactly 0 XP for this,
// by setting to 0.
#define VIP_ESCAPE_BONUS 6 // Set to VIP escape reward.
#define TOME_XP_BONUS 100 // XP for buy a tome of experience.
#define HOSTAGE_TOUCH_BONUS 1 // Set 1 to enable.
#define ATTEMPT_DEFUSE_BONUS 1 // Set 1 to enable.
#define HEADSHOT_BONUS 3 // Set integer to number given as reward for headshot kills.
#define DEFUSER_KILL_BONUS 1 // Set 1 to enable. Gives Bonus for killing the bomb defuser.
#define BOMB_EVENT_BONUS 0 // Set 1 to enable. Bonus for spawn, pickup, drop bomb.
#define VIP_SPAWN_BONUS 0 // Set 1 to enable.

#define OBJECTIVE_XP_PRINT 1 // If enabled, will print private messages to client console showing the XP
// they gain for completeting an objective.
// This will let even the n00bs catch on to quick XP
// gain by being near the action.

#define HOSTAGE_KILL_MAX 3 // Max hostages that can be killed without punishment.
#define HOSTAGE_KILL_SLAP 1 // Set 1 to enable. Slaps player.
#define HOSTAGE_KILL_XP 1 // Set 1 to enable. Removes XP.
#define FORGIVE_HOSTKILL_ROUND 1 // Set 1 to enable. Resets hostages killed tracking each round.
#define HOSTAGE_TAX 0 // Punishment for "stealing" Hostages from Teammates, dosen't always work

// Prevent XP exploits using objectives on a near empty server (ex: at 5:00 AM)
#define XPLOIT_PROTECT 4 // Set minimum number of players for objective XP handouts.
// Ex: Set to 4, you need exactly 4 players for XP Bonus'.

#define OPT_RESETSKILLS 1 // Option in the warcraft3 menu to allow skills (not XP) to be reset
// in the next round. Player can then rechoose his skills if turned on.

#define ITEMS_DROPABLE 1 // Do players drop their item (if they have one) when they die?
// Ankh and Tomb are ignored.
// REQUIRES Vexd Module

#define SHOPMENU_IN_BUYZONE 1 // Restrict shopmenu to buyzone area, can be controlled
// by the cvar mp_shopzone to turn off on certain maps

#define NON_ULTIMATE_VIP 1 // Stop VIP's from using Ultimate abilities. Warns them too.
// Set 1 to deny them their powers.

// ##############################################################################################################
// PART 3: Ultimate, Skills and Race Tweaking Area
// ##############################################################################################################
// These are settings to adjust the Skills and Ultimates of the different races.

//#define ULTIMATESEARCHTIME 50 // How long you hear beep beep beep for... default is 50.
//#define ULTIMATE_WARMUP 10.0 // Ultimates do not work for X seconds with this feature.
//#define ULTIMATE_READY_SOUND 0 // Set 1 to enable. When your ultimate is ready again it says "Power Restored".
//#define ULTIMATE_READY_ICON 1 // Flashes a Lightning symbol on the left when Ultimate is ready.
//#define ULTIMATE_FIRST_ROUND 1 // Turn this off and Ultimates are unavailable the first round of a map

// ## Undead options ##
//#define EXPLOSION_RANGE 200 // Undead Suicide bomber is usually at 300 range
//#define WARN_SUICIDERS 1 // Tells Undead Scourges their bomb is armed when they hit ultimate key.
// A second key press then detonates it.
//#define EXPLOSION_MAX_DAMAGE 75 // Damage inflicted by Undead explosion.

// ## Human options ##
//#define TELEPORT_COOLDOWN 20.0 // Default is 20.0
//#define KNIFEINVISIBILITY 70 // Max invisibility with knife (255-0, 0=invisible 255=totally visible).
//#define BLINK_HUMAN_ULTIMATE 1 // Set 1 to enable. Teleports player to where they are aiming.
// Note: to balance it, I made players "dizzy" when they do it.
//#define RETRY_COOLDOWN 3.0 // Default is 3.0, no effect if BLINK_HUMAN_ULTIMATE is 0
//#define BLINK_RADIUS 250 // In this radius, enemies with the immunity necklace will cause the
// teleport to fail. (For Human Blink ultimate only).

// ## Orc options ##
//#define CHAINLIGHTNING_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Default is 40.0
//#define LIGHTNING_DAMAGE 50 // Orc lightning is usually at 50 HP damage
//#define ORCNECKLACE 1 // Set to 1 if the Necklace should protect against Orc Grenades
//#define ORCNADELESS 1 // Set to 1 if you want orc nades to do less damage if Orc Necklace
// isn't allowed. Set to 0 for full damage. Default is 1.
//#define ORCNADE_CVAR 0 // Set to 1 to create an Orc Grenade CVAR.
// mp_alloworcnade 0 to disable orc grenades.
// Recommend plugin to set it for specific maps.
// Get one here:

// ## Night Elf options ##
//#define NIGHTELF_DROPWEAPON 0 // If turned on enemy drop the weapon they are holding when
//#define ENTANGLEROOTS_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Default is 40.0
// caught by entangle roots

// Modify level requirements for getting the Ultimate skill.
//#define MODIFIED_ULT_LEVEL 0 // Set 1 to enable modified skill requirements.
//#define UNDEAD_ULT 6 // Default values is 6 for each race.
//#define HUMAN_ULT 6
//#define ORC_ULT 6
//#define ELF_ULT 6


// ## Blood Elf options ##
//#define SHADOWSTRIKE_DAMAGE 10 // damage done by blood elf shadowstrike
//#define SHADOWSTRIKE_DURATION 10 // duration of blood elf shadowstrike
//#define SHADOWSTRIKE_COOLDOWN 40.0 // cooldown period of blood elf shadowstrike

// ## Troll options ##
//#define HEALINGWAND_HEALTH 10 // How much health does healing wand restore each seconds? Default is 10. (5 seconds = 50 health)
//#define HEALINGWAND_RANGE 400 // How close teammates have to be to be healed. Default is 200
//#define HEALINGWAND_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Cooldown period for Healing Wand

// ## Dwarf options ##
//#define DWARF_SMOKE 0 // Uncomment this to stop dwarves from getting smoke grenades.
//#define AVATAR_DURATION 2.0 // The avatar ultimate will last this long, def 3.0 seconds
//#define AVATAR_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Cooldown period for Avatar

// ## Lich options ##
//#define FROSTNOVA_RANGE 400 // How close enemies have to be to be affected, default 400
//#define FROSTNOVA_DURATION 5.0 // How long enemies affected will be slowed. Default 5 seconds
//#define FROSTNOVA_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Cooldown period for Frostnova

// ##############################################################################################################
// PART 4: Experimental or Highly Advanced Settings
// ##############################################################################################################
// These include advanced or experimental options that server owners may want to use or try.

// ------
// This setting is a performance option related to how we save players. By default, we save all players
// at the end of every round. This sometimes causes a burst of lag during the last kill of the round on
// servers that have a large amount of players saved. If you disable this, players will only be saved
// when the map changes or when they disconnect. This is slightly less reliable but has better performance.
// Default: ENABLED
// ------

// ------
// This setting controls whether or not the troll regen skill and troll ultimate will cause a green flash
// each time the player is healed. This can cause the effect of flash bangs to be reset, giving trolls
// an advantage in that area. By default, we will do the green flash. You can turn it off by setting
// this to 0.
// Default: ENABLED
// ------

// ------
// This setting will cause pistols dropped by reincarnating players to be deleted from the map. This uses a
// good deal of CPU and will hurt server performance if enabled.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------

// ------
// This setting controls how far the human "Blink" ultimate can teleport a player. By default, the limitation
// is not enabled. Uncomment the following 3 defines to activate it. The second two defines control how far
// the player can travel vertically and horizontally. The default height is 60, about twice the double doors
// on aztec. The horizontal default is 1200, about the length of the pit in aztec between the two double door
// sets.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------

// ------
// This is a "fix" for orcs spamming their critical grenade. Its experimental. If an orc throws a second
// grenade in the same round, they will be teleported in a fashion that will result in them being killed or
// damaged by their nade. This is disabled by default and may not always work.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------
//#define ORC_SPAM_FIX 1

// ------
// This activates the "new" damage_event() function. It was designed to be better on performance but
// has a memory leak at this time. Use at your own risk, very experimental and may not result in any
// performance gains at all.
// WARNING: As of AMX Mod X 1.5x setting this option renders a compiler error, so don't use it or, even
// better, fix it.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------

// ------
// This activates the viewing of all communications between the plugin and the DBI module, as well as
// the resulting return codes. Enabling this WILL degrade performance and won't bring any benefit at
// all, it's here for diagnostic and development only. Leave it alone!
// ------
//#define SQL_DEBUG 1



mp_changeracepastfreezetime 1
mp_allowchangerace 1
mp_savexp 1
mp_xpmultiplier 0.5
sv_warcraft3 1


When changing of map, the XP is put to 0

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:53 am
by ferret
You recompiled, and copied the new plugin from scripting/compiled/ to plugins/?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:11 pm
by LoKiTo
WARCRAFT3.CFG <---- UPDATE ( see up )

Edited file WARCRAFT3.CFG
Precompiled WARCRAFT3.SMA
Upload WARCRAFT3.AMXX to Server.
Restart server. When changing of map, it continues putting the XP to 0.

In the HLSW when doing restart, says:
[WC3] Using Engine Module, Long Term XP Modus, saving xp to: Vault [1] SQL [0]
[WC3] VAULT does not date found, initializing.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:00 am
by ferret
Does addons/amxmodx/data/ exist? Does it contain a file named vault.ini?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:17 pm
by LoKiTo
Yes, our content is:

; Don't modify!
server_language en

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:19 pm
by ferret
I'll have to setup a fresh test server with AMXX 1.75. I haven't tested in a while. I noticed you have SAVE_WITH_IP. At one point this was broken, and I fixed it, so I wonder if its broken again.

Are you using the copy from the CVS?

Suggestions in the meantime:

Put warcraft3.amxx at the top of plugins.ini ... This used to fix some random issues in the past but I haven't personally had to use it in a long time.

Turn off nVault. WC3 XP uses the core vault, not nVault. It shouldn't matter, but if no other plugins need it, you can safely turn it off. If you aren't using it, it's just wasting resources anyways.

Try with SAVE_BY_IP turned off.

Try moving to the bottom of metamod's plugin list. It's sitting between AMXX and its companion modules, not sure what effect that might have.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:48 pm
by LoKiTo

[ 1] Warcraft 3 XP 2.6.3 ferret (Dopefish warcraft3.amxx running
[ 2] Admin Base 1.76 AMXX Dev Team admin.amxx running
[ 3] Admin Commands 1.76 AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
[ 4] Admin Help 1.76 AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amxx running
[ 5] Slots Reservation 1.76 AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amxx running
[ 6] Multi-Lingual System 1.76 AMXX Dev Team running
[ 7] Menus Front-End 1.76 AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
[ 8] Commands Menu 1.76 AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amxx running
[ 9] Players Menu 1.76 AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
[ 10] Maps Menu 1.76a AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 11] Admin Chat 1.76 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amxx running
[ 12] Anti Flood 1.76 AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 13] Scrolling Message 1.76 AMXX Dev Team scrollmsg.amxx running
[ 14] Info. Messages 1.76 AMXX Dev Team imessage.amxx running
[ 15] Admin Votes 1.76 AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
[ 16] NextMap 1.76 AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
[ 17] Nextmap Chooser 1.76 AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amxx running
[ 18] TimeLeft 1.76 AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amxx running
[ 19] Pause Plugins 1.76 AMXX Dev Team pausecfg.amxx running
[ 20] Stats Configuration 1.76 AMXX Dev Team statscfg.amxx running
[ 21] Restrict Weapons 1.76 AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amxx running
[ 22] StatsX 1.76a AMXX Dev Team statsx.amxx running
22 plugins, 22 running

[ 1] Engine 1.76 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 2] Fun 1.76 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 3] CStrike 1.76 AMX Mod X Dev Team running
[ 4] CSX 1.76a AMX Mod X Dev Team running
4 modules, 4 correct

[ 1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.76a ini ANY ANY
[ 2] WebMod RUN - v0.48 ini Start Never
[ 3] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386 v1.76 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 4] Fun RUN - v1.76 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 5] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i38 v1.76 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 6] CSX RUN - v1.76a pl1 ANY ANY
6 plugins, 6 running

// #########################################################
// #########################################################

#define SHORT_TERM 0 // Set this to 0 for long-term XP, and 1 for short-term XP.
// Configuration if the server is Steam or non-Steam is taken from the AMX setting
// in include/ now.

// If you set SHORT_TERM to 0 and activate long-term XP, you need a way to save the experience
// There are two methods, VAULT and MySQL. Both are extremely fast. One uses MySQL to store and
// the other uses AMX's VAULT, which is a file on your disk. Vault is default. If you enable
// MySQL, vault is automaticly disabled.
//#define MYSQL_ENABLED 1 // Set this to 1 to use mySQL database saving rather than vault.

// Language of ingame messages and menus from the warcraft3 plugin
// Please select only one. Change LANG_ENG to 0 if you pick German or French
#define LANG_ENG 1 // English
//#define LANG_GER 0 // Deutsch / German
//#define LANG_FRE 0 // Français / French

// ### WARNING ###
// The following should only be used by experienced server operators! These are methods of converting
// various forms of saved experience between one another. If you do not know what you're doing
// you need to leave this alone!
// These provide the only method for converting from the old war3users.ini file to the new VAULT!

//#define CONVERT_TO_VAULT 0 // Convert from old war3users.ini file to Vault saving method. This
// will check for the file war3users.ini, and if it exists will
// convert it to Vault. Vault move war3users.ini to a file called
// war3users.bak. After conversion, this will not occur again unless
// you recreate war3users.ini.

//#define VAULT_PROTECT 1 // Turning this on will stop the conversion from war3users.ini from
// overwriting information already in the Vault. This is on by default.
// Turning this off could essentially provide a method of altering the
// Vault indirectly by creating your own war3index.ini. The Vault would
// convert and load the new information the next time the map changes or
// the server starts.

// ##########################
// #### END SERVER SETUP ####
// ##########################

// ################
// #### TWEAKS ####
// ##############################################################################################################
// ##############################################################################################################

// DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE MYSQL_AUTO_PRUNING do not work 100% correct at the moment, I would not recommend using them
// Vault pruning works fine.
#define DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE 31 // no longer uses the sv_daysbeforedelete cvar.
// However many days before deleting XP
// or pruning from MySQL database.

//#define MYSQL_AUTO_PRUNING 0 // Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange
// occuring between 5:36 to 5:59 AM. Use at your own risk...

//#define VAULT_PRUNE_LIMIT 5 // This is how often the vault prunes players. Default is every 5 days.
// This is not the same as DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE.
// Every 5 days it will check for players 14 days
// old, and delete those players from the vault.

//#define SAVE_WITH_IP 1 // Set to 1 if the plugin should save via IP instead of AuthID
// Useful for servers running a patched cs1.6 for LAN

//#define STARTINGLEVEL 1 // Which level should players start out at. Useful for long term servers
// or for clanwars / leagues.

//#define EXPANDED_RACES 1 // This line controls what races are available. By default, only the
// original four races are available. By uncommenting this, you enable
// the expanded races (8 total).

// ##############################################################################################################
// ##############################################################################################################
// These are settings to adjust the behavoir of the plugin to match your needs

#define BOMBPLANT_XP_BONUS 6 // What you see is what you get
#define DEFUSE_XP_BONUS 6 // These are set correctly for longterm XP
#define HOSTAGE_XP_BONUS 6 // Ex: 87 bomb plant bonus, gives you87 XP
#define KILLRESCUEMAN_XP_BONUS 6 // For short term XP, this is multiplied by 10
#define KILL_BOMB_CARRIER 6 // Set to 0 to disable entirely. Otherwise set to base XP to award.
#define VIP_KILL_BONUS 6 // Set to VIP killing reward. Note: You can give exactly 0 XP for this,
// by setting to 0.
#define VIP_ESCAPE_BONUS 6 // Set to VIP escape reward.
#define TOME_XP_BONUS 100 // XP for buy a tome of experience.
#define HOSTAGE_TOUCH_BONUS 6 // Set 1 to enable.
#define ATTEMPT_DEFUSE_BONUS 6 // Set 1 to enable.
#define HEADSHOT_BONUS 6 // Set integer to number given as reward for headshot kills.
#define DEFUSER_KILL_BONUS 1 // Set 1 to enable. Gives Bonus for killing the bomb defuser.
#define BOMB_EVENT_BONUS 6 // Set 1 to enable. Bonus for spawn, pickup, drop bomb.
#define VIP_SPAWN_BONUS 6 // Set 1 to enable.

#define OBJECTIVE_XP_PRINT 1 // If enabled, will print private messages to client console showing the XP
// they gain for completeting an objective.
// This will let even the n00bs catch on to quick XP
// gain by being near the action.

#define HOSTAGE_KILL_MAX 3 // Max hostages that can be killed without punishment.
#define HOSTAGE_KILL_SLAP 1 // Set 1 to enable. Slaps player.
#define HOSTAGE_KILL_XP 1 // Set 1 to enable. Removes XP.
#define FORGIVE_HOSTKILL_ROUND 1 // Set 1 to enable. Resets hostages killed tracking each round.
#define HOSTAGE_TAX 0 // Punishment for "stealing" Hostages from Teammates, dosen't always work

// Prevent XP exploits using objectives on a near empty server (ex: at 5:00 AM)
#define XPLOIT_PROTECT 4 // Set minimum number of players for objective XP handouts.
// Ex: Set to 4, you need exactly 4 players for XP Bonus'.

#define OPT_RESETSKILLS 1 // Option in the warcraft3 menu to allow skills (not XP) to be reset
// in the next round. Player can then rechoose his skills if turned on.

#define ITEMS_DROPABLE 1 // Do players drop their item (if they have one) when they die?
// Ankh and Tomb are ignored.
// REQUIRES Vexd Module

#define SHOPMENU_IN_BUYZONE 1 // Restrict shopmenu to buyzone area, can be controlled
// by the cvar mp_shopzone to turn off on certain maps

#define NON_ULTIMATE_VIP 1 // Stop VIP's from using Ultimate abilities. Warns them too.
// Set 1 to deny them their powers.

// ##############################################################################################################
// PART 3: Ultimate, Skills and Race Tweaking Area
// ##############################################################################################################
// These are settings to adjust the Skills and Ultimates of the different races.

#define ULTIMATESEARCHTIME 50 // How long you hear beep beep beep for... default is 50.
#define ULTIMATE_WARMUP 10.0 // Ultimates do not work for X seconds with this feature.
#define ULTIMATE_READY_SOUND 0 // Set 1 to enable. When your ultimate is ready again it says "Power Restored".
#define ULTIMATE_READY_ICON 1 // Flashes a Lightning symbol on the left when Ultimate is ready.
#define ULTIMATE_FIRST_ROUND 1 // Turn this off and Ultimates are unavailable the first round of a map

// ## Undead options ##
#define EXPLOSION_RANGE 200 // Undead Suicide bomber is usually at 300 range
#define WARN_SUICIDERS 1 // Tells Undead Scourges their bomb is armed when they hit ultimate key.
// A second key press then detonates it.
#define EXPLOSION_MAX_DAMAGE 75 // Damage inflicted by Undead explosion.

// ## Human options ##
#define TELEPORT_COOLDOWN 20.0 // Default is 20.0
#define KNIFEINVISIBILITY 70 // Max invisibility with knife (255-0, 0=invisible 255=totally visible).
#define BLINK_HUMAN_ULTIMATE 1 // Set 1 to enable. Teleports player to where they are aiming.
// Note: to balance it, I made players "dizzy" when they do it.
#define RETRY_COOLDOWN 3.0 // Default is 3.0, no effect if BLINK_HUMAN_ULTIMATE is 0
#define BLINK_RADIUS 250 // In this radius, enemies with the immunity necklace will cause the
// teleport to fail. (For Human Blink ultimate only).

// ## Orc options ##
#define CHAINLIGHTNING_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Default is 40.0
#define LIGHTNING_DAMAGE 50 // Orc lightning is usually at 50 HP damage
#define ORCNECKLACE 1 // Set to 1 if the Necklace should protect against Orc Grenades
#define ORCNADELESS 1 // Set to 1 if you want orc nades to do less damage if Orc Necklace
// isn't allowed. Set to 0 for full damage. Default is 1.
#define ORCNADE_CVAR 0 // Set to 1 to create an Orc Grenade CVAR.
// mp_alloworcnade 0 to disable orc grenades.
// Recommend plugin to set it for specific maps.
// Get one here:

// ## Night Elf options ##
#define NIGHTELF_DROPWEAPON 0 // If turned on enemy drop the weapon they are holding when
#define ENTANGLEROOTS_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Default is 40.0
// caught by entangle roots

// Modify level requirements for getting the Ultimate skill.
#define MODIFIED_ULT_LEVEL 0 // Set 1 to enable modified skill requirements.
#define UNDEAD_ULT 6 // Default values is 6 for each race.
#define HUMAN_ULT 6
#define ORC_ULT 6
#define ELF_ULT 6


// ## Blood Elf options ##
#define SHADOWSTRIKE_DAMAGE 10 // damage done by blood elf shadowstrike
#define SHADOWSTRIKE_DURATION 10 // duration of blood elf shadowstrike
#define SHADOWSTRIKE_COOLDOWN 40.0 // cooldown period of blood elf shadowstrike

// ## Troll options ##
#define HEALINGWAND_HEALTH 10 // How much health does healing wand restore each seconds? Default is 10. (5 seconds = 50 health)
#define HEALINGWAND_RANGE 400 // How close teammates have to be to be healed. Default is 200
#define HEALINGWAND_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Cooldown period for Healing Wand

// ## Dwarf options ##
#define DWARF_SMOKE 0 // Uncomment this to stop dwarves from getting smoke grenades.
#define AVATAR_DURATION 2.0 // The avatar ultimate will last this long, def 3.0 seconds
#define AVATAR_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Cooldown period for Avatar

// ## Lich options ##
#define FROSTNOVA_RANGE 400 // How close enemies have to be to be affected, default 400
#define FROSTNOVA_DURATION 5.0 // How long enemies affected will be slowed. Default 5 seconds
#define FROSTNOVA_COOLDOWN 40.0 // Cooldown period for Frostnova

// ##############################################################################################################
// PART 4: Experimental or Highly Advanced Settings
// ##############################################################################################################
// These include advanced or experimental options that server owners may want to use or try.

// ------
// This setting is a performance option related to how we save players. By default, we save all players
// at the end of every round. This sometimes causes a burst of lag during the last kill of the round on
// servers that have a large amount of players saved. If you disable this, players will only be saved
// when the map changes or when they disconnect. This is slightly less reliable but has better performance.
// Default: ENABLED
// ------

// ------
// This setting controls whether or not the troll regen skill and troll ultimate will cause a green flash
// each time the player is healed. This can cause the effect of flash bangs to be reset, giving trolls
// an advantage in that area. By default, we will do the green flash. You can turn it off by setting
// this to 0.
// Default: ENABLED
// ------

// ------
// This setting will cause pistols dropped by reincarnating players to be deleted from the map. This uses a
// good deal of CPU and will hurt server performance if enabled.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------

// ------
// This setting controls how far the human "Blink" ultimate can teleport a player. By default, the limitation
// is not enabled. Uncomment the following 3 defines to activate it. The second two defines control how far
// the player can travel vertically and horizontally. The default height is 60, about twice the double doors
// on aztec. The horizontal default is 1200, about the length of the pit in aztec between the two double door
// sets.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------

// ------
// This is a "fix" for orcs spamming their critical grenade. Its experimental. If an orc throws a second
// grenade in the same round, they will be teleported in a fashion that will result in them being killed or
// damaged by their nade. This is disabled by default and may not always work.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------
#define ORC_SPAM_FIX 1

// ------
// This activates the "new" damage_event() function. It was designed to be better on performance but
// has a memory leak at this time. Use at your own risk, very experimental and may not result in any
// performance gains at all.
// WARNING: As of AMX Mod X 1.5x setting this option renders a compiler error, so don't use it or, even
// better, fix it.
// Default: DISABLED
// ------

// ------
// This activates the viewing of all communications between the plugin and the DBI module, as well as
// the resulting return codes. Enabling this WILL degrade performance and won't bring any benefit at
// all, it's here for diagnostic and development only. Leave it alone!
// ------
//#define SQL_DEBUG 1


PD: =, on change map, reset XP.