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Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne - Version 3.0 RC1 for Download

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:22 am
by Geesu

I know everyone has been waiting FOREVER to mess with 3.0, so here is RC1. There are still bugs, I realize this, but I'd like those that are daring to try this out and let me know what they think. Note: This is a drag + drop install, you only need to change your liblist.gam to point to metamod. Sourcecode is in CVS.

Download for Counter-Strike/Condition Zero
Download for Day of Defeat

- Addition: Start/Stop command: amx_wc3 <on|off>
- Addition: If a needed module isn't loaded, the plugin will modify the modules.ini + reload the map
- Addition: NVault now used instead of vault (will improve lag when there are NUMEROUS users and saving XP is on)
- Addition: Check for serpent wards to prevent them from being planted on the bomb or on hostages
- Addition: amx_setlevel has been added
- Addition: /level10 command - gives level 10 when you type it (if sv_cheats is on, don't worry, this XP doesn't save into the database...)
- Addition: (DOD) Chameleon now works!
- Addition: (DOD) Mole's will change their model
- Addition: Users will be given god mode for 1 second after they respawn
- Addition: Plugin will now auto-load even if modules aren't enabled, thanks BAIL!
- Addition: Plugin will no longer load if any required sound files or sprites are missing
- Addition: /icons now saves on the client (using setinfo) so (in theory) joining any war3ft 3.0 server will know if you want /icons on or off
- Addition: When typing /level when dead, the user's XP will be shown
- Bug Fix: cl_minmodels task was not repeating
- Bug Fix: Spawning with a shield and primary weapon
- Bug Fix: User's speed not changed until switching weapons when unholy aura was selected
- Change: Entire re-write of how skills function (can anyone say uwc3 extension?)
- Change: Spectating info now changes when you switch people (sometimes it wouldn't always switch over)
- Change: Spectating info will no longer carry over when the next round starts
- Change: With mole protectant you can now view players names during freezetime by looking at them
- Change: You now gain XP when nearby teammates kill an enemy!
- Change: Mole's can now buy items when they have moled!!
- Change: Helm of Excellence price increase to 3000
- Change: Chameleon race can now have ANY skills (not just a subset of that skill number like before)
- Change: User cannot be given money to have more than $16000
- Change: Chameleon price dropped to 4500
- Change: Tome gives more XP when saving XP is on
- Change: Impale now hits the user up from the ground
- Change: Banish will now move an attacker into an atral prison
- Change: Scroll of Respawning cost lowered
- Change: You can now hold 2 items from either shopmenu!!!
- Change: Unstable Concoction now originates from the attacker and damages nearby teammates
- Change: Using Vengeance will ALWAYS set your health to 50
- Change: Cloak stacks with invisibility
- Change: Config file location moved
- Change: When weapon reincarnation's weapons are saved - fixed weapons not reincarnating when you're killed by the bomb
- Change: When a user spawns their money is not longer set to mp_startmoney (for CS/CZ)
- Change: All DB functions re-written (Now uses MySQL X, NVault, SQLite)
- Change: Blood Mage has a new ultimate! - thanks Avanderik
- Change: Avanderik added to developer check
- Change: Traceline is used when searching for a target for certain ultimates (instead of get_user_aiming every .1 seconds)
- Change: Bash chance has been reduced to 10%/20%/30%
- Change: Evasion and Helm will now flash your screen blue instead of previous colors
- Change: Orc critical nades will now have a max damage of the user's maximum possible health - 1
- Change: You will no longer lose your ankh/scroll of respawning if someone respawns you by Phoenix or warden's ultimate
- Change: Bash now holds for 0.7 seconds instead of 1.0
- Change: Humans can no longer teleport into the VIP Escape zone
- Change: A recompile is no longer required for a DOD/CS/CZ plugin
- Change: Necklace now has charges (3)
- Change: When an ultimate is blocked b/c of immunity, the user has to wait for the length of the cooldown to re-use
- Removed: FT_impale_intensity cvar (edit this constant at the top of skills.inl)
- Removed: FT_blink_radius cvar (replaced with NECKLACE_RADIUS define)
- Removed: FT_healing_range cvar (defined at top of skills.inl)
- Removed: FT_no_orcnades cvar
- Removed: Human's teleport (Blink is the ultimate)
- Removed: Cheating Death check
- Removed: FT_spec_info (default is on, compile time option at top of warcraft3ft.sma)
- Removed: FT_items_in_hud (option no longer available)
- Removed: FT_show_icons (always on)
- Removed: FT_centerhud (this actually hasn't done anything for quite a few versions)
- Removed: DOD_bootspeed (you can change it at the top of items.inl)
- Removed: sv_warcraft3 (added a start/stop option)
- Removed: PRECACHE_WAR3FTSOUNDS define, precached sounds are required
P.S. I'm not liable if anything breaks!!!