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Links to all the files you need to install Warcraft 3 FT MOD

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:38 am
by Lazarus Long
Hello, everybody:

It seems that a lot of "where can I download..." or "I can't find the files..." questions are being asked on the Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne by Geesu forum lately, and people don't seem to realize that there is a Search function at the top of the page, so to avoid repeating questions that people are tired of replying to here goes a comprehensive list of files and their links:
  1. Files needed for the Complete Installation package:
    Use this one if you are setting a server just for Warcraft 3 FT or you don't have any plugin yet on your server (there is no point in using any other package if you are in one of these situations).
    • Go to the Downloads Page and get the AMX Mod X version for your server (either CS/CS:CZ or DoD) from the Preconfigured Installation Files section;
      Do not get the AMX version (it's outdated and no longer supported).
    • Follow the instructions in the Complete Installation manual and read the Announcement and Sticky posts here at the forum before start posting questions;
    • To get the files needed to install on the client machines go to the Downloads Page and get the Client Pack from the Client Files section (this step is optional, if you don't follow it the client machine will download them from the game server when connecting);
  2. Files needed for a Warcraft 3 FT Only Installation:
    Use this one if you have a working server and you already have AMX Mod X or Metamod installed on your server.
    • Go to the Downloads Page and get the Server Files from the Required Server Files section;
      This package is not configured so you will have to edit the configuration file war3FT.cfg to get it working.
    • Unpack the files into your game mod directory (named cstrike, czero or dod depending on which game you are installing for), making sure you overwrite the addons/amxmodx/data/lang/languages.txt file;
    • Edit the addons/amxmodx/configs/war3FT.cfg to your needs (the file is heavily commented so read the comments);
    • Read the Announcement and Sticky posts here at the forum before start posting questions;
    • To get the files needed to install on the client machines go to the Downloads Page and get the Client Pack from the Client Files section (this step is optional, if you don't follow it the client machine will download them from the game server when connecting);
  3. Files needed to update your server:
    Warcraft 3 FT is a plugin for AMX Mod X which in turn is a plugin for Metamod so you may have 3 possible points of update for your game server.
  4. Extra non-required files:
    These files are either optional or for your convenience.
I hope I didn't make any big mistake or miss something important, if so please correct me and I'll try to update this post. Thanks for reading this far.

  • 2005-07-06 - migrated from the previous support forum
  • 2005-07-21 - updated the URLs to reflect the new homepage
  • 2005-08-26 - added the SQLite support information reference