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a better way to do

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:13 pm
by whosyourdaddy
i know i should be pasting this in the bug report section but since i can put this in code format ill put it here. for my version im using the ham module to stop damages which is a better way. in your current version you have trace line to block helm damage and to register defense and offensive skills. one problem with this is that if some1 has a helm and the attacker is aiming at there head and changes guns but doesnt shoot, it will register it as a shot and remove a helm. you also still have

Code: Select all

if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && fDifference < 0.1 && fDifference > 0.0 )
for night elf which is still bugging it on scoutz and other maps because pretty much u need to be shot from a machine gun and it has to be in less than 0.1 sec of a shot. using my update is all up to u but here is what i got for mine which works 100%

Code: Select all

RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "EVENT_TakeDamage");

new UserAiming[33];
// Called when a user looks somewhere
public TRIGGER_TraceLine( Float:v1[3], Float:v2[3], noMonsters, pentToSkip )
	if ( !WC3_Check() )
	new iAttacker = pentToSkip;
	new iVictim = get_tr(TR_pHit);
	new iHitZone = (1 << get_tr(TR_iHitgroup));
	// Make sure we have a valid victim
	if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iVictim ) && p_data_b[iVictim][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
		// We need to have a valid player!
		if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) )

			if ( iHitZone & (1 << 1) )
				UserAiming[iVictim] = 1
				UserAiming[iVictim] = 0

			// This is a check for ultimates that need to "search" for a target
			if ( p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_ISSEARCHING] )

				// Now lets make sure the person he's looking at is in view and isn't on the same team
				if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) != get_user_team( iVictim ) ) //&& UTIL_EntInView( iAttacker, iVictim ) )
					// Check to see if the user should block this ultimate!
					if ( !g_EndRound && ULT_CanUserBlockUlt( iVictim ) )
						ULT_RemoveCharge( iVictim, 0 );
						ULT_Blocked( iAttacker );

					// Then the user's ult should work!
						// Well we do have a target so lets execute the user's ultimate!!
						if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, ULTIMATE_CHAINLIGHTNING ) > 0 )
							OR_ULT_ChainLightning( iAttacker, iVictim, iHitZone );
						else if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, ULTIMATE_ENTANGLE ) > 0 )
							NE_ULT_Entangle( iAttacker, iVictim );
						else if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, ULTIMATE_IMMOLATE ) > 0 )
							BM_ULT_Immolate( iAttacker, iVictim );

					// No longer searching since we found a target
					p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_ISSEARCHING]	= false;

					// Set up the user's ultimate delay
					ULT_ResetCooldown( iAttacker, get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_ult_cooldown ) );

			// Check for Big Bad Voodoo's ultimate!
			if ( p_data_b[iVictim][PB_GODMODE] )
				new bool:bBlockDamage = true;

				// Do we allow this person to be attacked by this player?
				if ( p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_BIGBAD_ATTACKER] )
					bBlockDamage = false;

				// Check to see if immunity is available for the attacker
				else if ( ULT_CanUserBlockUlt( iAttacker ) )
					// Remove charge and display message to attacker
					ULT_RemoveCharge( iAttacker, 1 );

					// Display message about user's ultimate being blocked!
					ULT_Blocked( iVictim );

					// This user can attack someone with big bad voodoo!
					p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_BIGBAD_ATTACKER] = true;

					// Reset the attacker dmg
					set_task( get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_ult_cooldown ), "_SH_ResetBigBadAttacker", TASK_BIGBADATTACKER + iAttacker );

				// Block the damage!
				if ( bBlockDamage )
					set_tr( TR_flFraction, 1.0 );

					return FMRES_SUPERCEDE;

public EVENT_TakeDamage( iVictim, inflictor, iAttacker, Float:iDamagee, damagetype )
	if ( !WC3_Check() )
		return HAM_IGNORED;
	// Make sure we have a valid victim
	if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iVictim ) && p_data_b[iVictim][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
		// We need to have a valid player!
		if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker )  && p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_ISCONNECTED])

			if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) == get_user_team( iVictim ) && !get_pcvar_num( CVAR_mp_friendlyfire ))
				return HAM_SUPERCEDE;

			new iHitPlace
			new iWeapon
			get_user_attacker( iVictim , iWeapon , iHitPlace )

			if(IsGrenade ( inflictor ))
				iWeapon = CSW_HEGRENADE;

			// This is a nice check for Helm of Excellence
			if ( ITEM_Has( iVictim, ITEM_HELM ) > ITEM_NONE )

				// If its a headshot then we want to block it
				if ( UserAiming[iVictim] )
						Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 0, 0, 255, 150 );

						// Lets remove a charge from the helm!
						ITEM_RemoveCharge( iVictim, ITEM_HELM );

						return HAM_SUPERCEDE;

			// Mole protectant
			if ( p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_MOLE] && ITEM_Has( iVictim, ITEM_PROTECTANT ) > ITEM_NONE )
				client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, iVictim, "SHOT_DEFLECTED" );

				return HAM_SUPERCEDE;

			static iSkillLevel;

			new iDamage = floatround(iDamagee);
			// Check to see if this user has night elf's evasion
			if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iVictim, SKILL_EVASION ) > 0 )
				iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( iVictim, SKILL_EVASION );
				// Friendly fire is off! - This means we shouldn't evade since no damage will be done!
				if ( !get_pcvar_num( CVAR_mp_friendlyfire ) )
						if ( g_iPlayerTeam[iAttacker] == g_iPlayerTeam[iVictim] )
							return HAM_SUPERCEDE;
				// Then we should evade this shot!
				if ( !p_data_b[iVictim][PB_HEXED]  && random_float( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= p_evasion[iSkillLevel-1] )

					new iGlowIntensity = random_num( 20, 50 );
					// Head shot
					if ( iHitPlace & HIT_HEAD )
						iGlowIntensity += 250;
						iGlowIntensity += 75;
					// Make the user glow!
					SHARED_Glow( iVictim, 0, 0, iGlowIntensity, 0 );

					Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 0, 0, 255, g_GlowLevel[iVictim][2] );

					WC3_StatusText( iVictim, TXT_SKILL, "You have evaded a shot!" );

					return HAM_SUPERCEDE;

			g_iDamageDealt[iAttacker][iVictim] += iDamage;

			// Bot should "auto" cast his/her ultimate on random
			if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && is_user_bot( iAttacker ) && random_num( 0, 100 ) <= ( BOT_CAST_ULT_CHANCE * 100 ) )
				// Check for an actual ultimate is done in this function, why do it twice?
				cmd_Ultimate( iAttacker );

			// We need to make sure that we have a valid attacker and the user isn't hexed
			if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && !p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_HEXED] )

				// Run the offensive spells
				UD_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iDamage );
				HU_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim );
				OR_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				NE_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				BM_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage );
				SH_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim );
				WA_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iHitPlace );
				CL_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iHitPlace );
				OUR_TERROR( iAttacker, iVictim);
				OUR_BLOODLUST(iAttacker, iVictim);
				OUR_BERSERK(iAttacker, iVictim);

			// Make sure we can run the defensive skills
			if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && !p_data_b[iVictim][PB_HEXED] )
				//UD_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				//HU_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				//OR_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				NE_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				BM_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage );
				SH_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim );
				//WA_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				CL_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage, iHitPlace );
				OUR_ICESHARDS(iVictim, iDamage, iAttacker);


			// Item abilities
			if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) )
				ITEM_Offensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );


	return HAM_IGNORED;

bool:IsGrenade ( i_Inflictor ) { 
	static s_Classname[ 8 ]; 
	pev ( i_Inflictor, pev_classname, s_Classname, charsmax ( s_Classname ) ); 
	return equal ( s_Classname, "grenade" ) ? true : false; 
ull notice i have a user aiming on mine but for some reason iHitPlace on the event damage is all bugging and wont deflect so i got it taking it from trace line. i also took night elf evasion out of the script because the returns was giving me some type of compiler error so i just put it in like that

Re: a better way to do

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:18 am
by Geesu
If you haven't already - please put a link to this on the bug tracker

Re: a better way to do

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:58 am
by whosyourdaddy
im kinda having issues with peoples nades damaging themselves not sure why but if u would still like i can post the link

Re: a better way to do

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:45 pm
by whosyourdaddy
viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3411 link to events.inl and night elf that works fine

Re: a better way to do

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:06 pm
by whosyourdaddy
here is an elf evasion fix

Code: Select all

RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "EVENT_TakeDamage" );

public EVENT_TakeDamage( iVictim, inflictor, iAttacker, Float:iDamage, damagetype )
	if ( !WC3_Check() )
		return HAM_IGNORED;

	// Make sure we have a valid victim
	if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iVictim ) && p_data_b[iVictim][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
		// We need to have a valid player!
		if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
			if(iAttacker == iVictim)
				return HAM_IGNORED;

			if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) == get_user_team( iVictim ) && !get_pcvar_num( CVAR_mp_friendlyfire ))
				return HAM_IGNORED;

			new iHitPlace
			new icrap

			//Check where the watched player has shot the bot
			get_user_attacker( icrap , icrap , iHitPlace )

			// Check to see if this user has night elf's evasion
			if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iVictim, SKILL_EVASION ) > 0 )

				// Then we should evade this shot!
				if ( NE_Evasion( iVictim, iHitPlace ) )
					WC3_StatusText( iVictim, TXT_SKILL, "You have evaded a shot!" );

					return HAM_SUPERCEDE;

	return HAM_IGNORED;