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Problems with mapchanging time (database errors?)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:46 pm
by WildSoft
Hello there =)

I would really appreciate some help with this, thou I'm not sure it's caused by WC3FT or it contributes to the problem (read the whole problem). I've searched high and low all over the Internet and tried to solve this myself, for a long time now. Frankly I don't know what to do any more.

My problem is extremely long mapchaning times. So long that all clients get dropped out and the server not responding for some time. After that you can connect to the server without any problems and everything works as it should. I'm running a dedicated Counter-Strike 1.6 Linux server.

I reinstalled the whole server and started over from scratch. Downloading directly from the web all that was needed, mods, plugins and such. The database is located elsewhere from where the server is. We have other servers running with this Database with a shared Banlist and different databases for WC3FT. I use the newest version and the other servers still use WC3FT v2.3.2 (they use different DB structure). No other servers have this problem. And since I made a complete reinstall and the problems seems to have to do with having Amxbans and the newest version of WC3FT activated at the same time, I don't know which one the problem is lying with or what to do next. I have had other mods running with similar setup. Still long maploading times, but not as long as this so it dropped all the clients. The new UWC3NG mod which is built from the code of the new WC3FT mod was running fine. But then I was using SQLite to save and store the XP. As you can see from the timed loading times at the bottom, I only have this problem with both Amxbans and WC3FT active and connected to the DB. If I set the WC3FT mod not to save XP, it is the same as if I would have completely disabled the mod.
I get no error logs and everything runs fine (except for the damn mapchange problem). mp_chattime 0 makes no difference at all.

I've gathered all the information that could be needed.

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name               version     author            file             status   
AmxBans Admin Bas  1.76        AMXX Dev Team     admin_amxbans.a  running  
AMXBans            5.0         YoMama/Lux & lan  amxbans.amxx     running  
Admin Commands  AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running  
Admin Help  AMXX Dev Team     adminhelp.amxx   running  
Slots Reservation  AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running  
Multi-Lingual Sys  AMXX Dev Team  running  
Menus Front-End  AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running  
Commands Menu  AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running  
Players Menu  AMXX Dev Team     plmenu.amxx      running  
Maps Menu  AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running  
10 plugins, 10 running
----- Entries 1 - 10 of 52 -----
----- Use 'amx_plugins 11' for more ----
name               version     author            file             status   
Plugin Menu  AMXX Dev Team     pluginmenu.amxx  running  
Std Admin Color C  1.1.1       Van der Cal       std_admin_color  running  
Admin Chat  AMXX Dev Team     adminchat.amxx   running  
Anti Flood  AMXX Dev Team     antiflood.amxx   running  
Scrolling Message  AMXX Dev Team     scrollmsg.amxx   running  
Info. Messages  AMXX Dev Team     imessage.amxx    running  
Admin Votes  AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running  
TimeLeft   AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running  
Pause Plugins  AMXX Dev Team     pausecfg.amxx    running  
Stats Configurati  AMXX Dev Team     statscfg.amxx    running  
10 plugins, 10 running
----- Entries 11 - 20
name               version     author            file             status   
Restrict Weapons  AMXX Dev Team     restmenu.amxx    running  
StatsX     AMXX Dev Team     statsx.amxx      running  
CS Stats Logging  AMXX Dev Team     stats_logging.a  running  
Warcraft 3 Frozen  3.0 RC13    Geesu, Avanderik  war3ft.amxx      debug    
Galileo            1.1.290     Brad Jones        galileo.amxx     running  
Aim adminmenu      1.4.2       EKS               admin_aimmenu.a  running  
Country Track      0.5         naputtaja         country_track.a  running  
Player Location    0.7b        008DEADinHK (ans  player_location  running  
AMX Slay Losers    1.0         [email protected]   slaylosersnoton  running  
WalkGuard          1.3.2       mogel             walkguard.amxx   running  
10 plugins, 10 running
----- Entries 21 - 30
name               version     author            file             status   
Bad Camper         1.4 beta    Brad Jones        bad_camper.amxx  running  
Loading Music II   1.2.9       Simon Logic       loading_music2.  running  
Aimbot Detection   1.3c        bugsy     running  
Restrict Names     1.2a        Brad Jones        restrictnames.a  running  
High Ping Kicker   1.0         Shadow/Bo0m!      amx_hpk.amxx     running  
CVAR Guard         1.0         29th ID           amx_cvarguard.a  running  
Anti DoubleDuck    1.7         Numb              antidoubleduck.  running  
Play or Be Kicked  1.5.243     Brad Jones        pbk.amxx         running  
Flashbang Dynamic  0.21        Avalanche         flashbang_dligh  running  
c4 management      0.2.4       ConnorMcLeod      c4_management.a  running  
10 plugins, 10 running
----- Entries 31 - 40 of 52 -----
name               version     author            file             status   
Dynamic MOTD       0.9.3       default           motd.amxx        running  
Stop Killing The   1.0         AssKicR           hostage_punish.  paused   
Silly C4           1.1         Cheap_Suit        sillyc4.amxx     running  
Colored Smoke      1.1         xPaw      running  
AdminListen        2.3x        /dev/ urandom     adminlisten.amx  running  
AFK Bomb Transfer  0.4         VEN               afkbombtransfer  running  
AMX Client Exec    0.03        v3x               amx_exec.amxx    running  
c4 timer           1.1         cheap_suit        c4timer.amxx     running  
Peeping Tom - Jac  2.0         joaquimandrade    peepingTom2.amx  running  
PPB                1.0         Pharse            ppb.amxx         running  
10 plugins, 9 running
----- Entries 41 - 50 of 52 -----
name               version     author            file             status   
Team Balancer      1.8b3       Ptahhotep         ptb.amxx         running  
AWP/AUTO Limit (T  1.52        SuicideDog/MattO  sniperlimit.amx  running  
2 plugins, 2 running
----- Entries 51 - 52 of 52 -----

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] amx_modules
Currently loaded modules:
name                    version     author               status     
MySQL           AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
Fun             AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
Engine          AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
FakeMeta        AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
GeoIP           AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
nVault          AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
CStrike         AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
CSX             AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
Ham Sandwich    AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
SQLite          AMX Mod X Dev Team   running    
Sockets         HLSW Dev Team        running    
RegEx           AMX Mod X Dev Team   running  
12 modules

Code: Select all

Currently running plugins:
 [  1] AMX Mod X, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  2] MySQL, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  3] Fun, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  4] Engine, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  5] FakeMeta, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  6] CStrike, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  7] CSX, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  8] Ham Sandwich, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
 [  9] SQLite, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see
9 plugins

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L 11/21/2009 - 21:23:43: -------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
L 11/21/2009 - 21:23:43: [restrictnames.amxx] Loaded 63 phrases from addons/amxmodx/configs/restrictnames.ini.
L 11/21/2009 - 21:23:57: [walkguard.amxx] no zone-file found
L 11/21/2009 - 21:23:57: [admin_amxbans.amxx] Login: "****<*><STEAM_*:*:*****><>" became an admin (account "STEAM_*:*:*****") (access "bcdefghijklmnopqrstu") (address "***.***.**.***")
L 11/21/2009 - 21:23:58: [admin_amxbans.amxx] Login: "****<*><STEAM_*:*:*****><>" became an admin (account "STEAM_*:*:*****") (access "bcdefghijklmnopqrstu") (address "***.***.**.***")
L 11/21/2009 - 21:24:03: [amxbans.amxx] [AMXBANS] AMXBans 5.0 is online
L 11/21/2009 - 21:24:07: [amxbans.amxx] [AMXBANS] No reasons found in data base. Static reasons was loaded instead

The Database (MySQL) is located elsewhere and is connecting through the settings in sql.cfg

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// SQL configuration file
// File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg

// *NOTE* Linux users may encounter problems if they specify "localhost" instead of ""
// We recommend using your server IP address instead of its name

// *NOTE* amx_sql_type specifies the DEFAULT database type which admin.sma will use.

amx_sql_host	"**.***.**.***"
amx_sql_user	"***"
amx_sql_pass	"***"
amx_sql_db	"amxbans"
amx_sql_table	"amx_amxadmins"
amx_sql_type	"mysql"

Code: Select all

// Amxbans configuration file
echo [AMXBANS] amxbans.cfg is executed

// Set this to 1 to enable debug messages from amxbans to amxx logs.
// If you dont want to see "[AMXBANS] AMXBans 4.x is online" in the amxx logs set this to 10 
amxbans_debug 0

// Set this cvar to what the adminname should be on the webpages if the server make the ban.
// Ie. amxbans_servernick "My Great server" Leave emty if you want to use the default name from server.cfg
amxbans_servernick ""

// Print green hudmessages top left when banning
amxbans_show_hud_messages 1

// If you want to see ban announcments in the HLSW chat have this set to 1
amxbans_show_in_hlsw 1

// Set this to 1 if you want the map name to show in the DB.
amxbans_add_mapname_in_servername 0

// To be able to ban players not in the server. 1 enabled and 0 disabled.
amxbans_ban_evenif_disconnected 1

// Dont use http:// in this cvar. The url will show to banned players in the console.
amxbans_complain_url "***"

// Show if a player has been banned before as amx_chat to admins. 0 to disable
amxbans_show_prebanned 1

// How many previous offences must the player at least have to notify the admins in amx_chat?
amxbans_show_prebanned_num 2

// To filter out very old bans you can set how many days must have gone to NOT count.
amxbans_max_time_to_show_preban 365

// Put the path to your findex.php here if you want to use the banhistory menu
amxbans_banhistmotd_url "***/amxbans/findex.php?steamid=%s"

// Should prebanned count atac bans or NOT in the amx_chat to admins
amxbans_show_prebans_from_atac 1

// What flag should admins have to NOT get their Nick printed when banning/Unbanning
amxbans_admin_mole_access "r"

// If an admin has the admin_mole_access should his name be shown when he bans?
amxbans_show_name_evenif_mole 1

// This is the first bantime (in minutes) that will show in the banmenu.
amxbans_first_banmenu_value 1440

// This is the max value an admin with only the d-flag can ban in the console.
amxbans_consolebanmax 0

// How long after a ban has been made can an admin with the d-flag unBan? This is set in minutes.
amxbans_max_time_gone_to_unban 0

// What flag should admins have to get the high ban times.
amxbans_higher_ban_time_admin "n"

// Ban times for admins with d-flag, set the highest time in minutes they can ban with "amxbans_consolebanmax"
// IMPORTANT put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can  have 1 to 12 values
// The -1 value is for flagging players, do not remove that!
// "0 m" = permanent ban!
// Values you can use:
// 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// The w flag is for weeks
// Example:
// "5 m" is 5 minutes
// "1 h" is 1 hour
// "1 d" is 1 day
// "1 w" is 1 week

amx_setlowbantimes "1 d" "3 d" "1 w" "2 w" "28 d" "0 m" "-1 m"

// Ban times for admin with n-flag and d-flag
// IMPORTANT!! put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can have 1 to 12 values
// The "-1 m" value is for flagging players, do not remove that!
// "0 m" = permanent ban!
// Values you can use:
// 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// The w flag is for weeks
// Example:
// "5 m" is 5 minutes
// "1 h" is 1 hour
// "1 d" is 1 day
// "1 w" is 1 week

amx_sethighbantimes "1 d" "3 d" "1 w" "2 w" "28 d" "0 m" "-1 m"

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//	Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Configuration File

// Saving Options

wc3_save_xp		1		// Enables saving of experience (default is 0)
wc3_save_xp_db		1		// How should we save XP? (0 = SQLite, 1 = MySQL)

wc3_save_by		0		// What should I save this as?  steam id = 0, IP = 1, name = 2 (default is 0)
wc3_save_pruning	0		// Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange (default is 0)
wc3_days_before_delete	31		// However many days before deleting XP or pruning from the database (default is 31)
wc3_save_end_round	1		// Save xp at the end of each round (may cause lag, default is 1)

// SQL Database Information

wc3_sql_dbhost		"****"	// Host Name
wc3_sql_dbuser		"***"	// User Name
wc3_sql_dbpass		"***"	// Password
wc3_sql_dbname		"wc3ft"		// Database Name

// Admin Options

wc3_admin_flag		"m"		// Admin flag required to give/take XP (default is m)

// Experience Options

wc3_xp_multiplier	1.0		// set the level required to gain a level as a multiple (default 1.0)
wc3_xp_weap_multiplier	1		// Award XP based on the weapon used (default is 1)
wc3_min_players		2		// Minimum amount of players needed b4 awarding XP (default is 2)
wc3_ignore_bots		1		// Ignore bots, spectators, and HLTV when calculating minimum players required to gain XP? (default is 0)
wc3_xp_auto_average	0		// With this option set to 1, the joining players will receive the average amount of XP that all of the players have (SHORT TERM XP ONLY, default is 0)
wc3_show_objectives	1		// If enabled, will display message in chat to show XP they gain for completing certain objectives (default is 1)
wc3_show_kill_obj	1		// Shows how much XP you gain for killing someone (each kill, default is 0)
wc3_xp_radius		750		// Radius to give XP to teammates near where the special objective is completed (rescued hosties, bomb planted, killed vip, vip escaped, default is 750)

// Game Play Enhancements

wc3_races		9		// Number of races (if races are less than 5, the second shopmenu will be disabled (4 is standard war3), default is 8)
wc3_grenade_protection	1		// Only 1 HE grenade will be allowed for purchase per round (default is 0)
wc3_spec_position	1		// 0 is for left, 1 is for right (where to put the information for those spectating, default is 0)
wc3_buy_zone		0		// Restrict purchasing shopmenu items to within the buyzone? (default is 0)
wc3_buy_time		0		// Restrict purchasing shopmenu items to within the buytime? (default is 0)
wc3_buy_dead		1		// Allow users to purchause items when dead? (default is 1)
wc3_show_player		1		// Show teammate and enemy information in the center of the screen when they are on target? (not for DOD, default is 1)
wc3_query_client	1		// Check user's cl_minmodel cvar every second (default is 1)
wc3_cheats		0		// Enable cheats for wc3? (default is 0)
wc3_psychostats		1		// Print psychostats information to log files for wc3 abilities? (default is 0)
wc3_start_level		0		// What level should all players start at when joining? (default is 0)

// Icon Options (displayed above player's head)

wc3_race_icon		1		// Allow users to type /icons to show player icons above the player (default is 1)
wc3_level_icon		1		// Allow users to type /icons to see player levels above the player (default is 1)

// Chameleon Race Configuration Options - see _chameleon.txt for more information

wc3_cham_random		1		// Should the 9th race have random skills each round?, if so the next 4 option are irrelevant (default is 1)
wc3_cham_skill1		14		// What skill ID for skill 1?
wc3_cham_skill2		0		// What skill ID for skill 2?
wc3_cham_skill3		6		// What skill ID for skill 3?
wc3_cham_ultimate	7		// What skill ID for the user's ultimate?
wc3_cham_passive	20		// What skill ID for the user's passive skill?

// Skill and Ultimate configurations

wc3_ult_delay		15.0		// Amount of time (in seconds) to delay the ultimates at the start of each round (default is 15.0)
wc3_ult_cooldown	35.0		// Cooldown of all ultimates (default is 35.0)
wc3_blink_protection	0		// slays people who abuse blink on some maps (skywalking, map exploiting, default is 1)
wc3_blink_dizziness	0		// What type of diziness? (0 is flashbang effect, 1 is fading blue screen, default is 0)
wc3_entangle_drop	0		// Should the player's primary weapon be dropped when they are entangled? (default is 0)

// Item configurations

wc3_glove_timer		10		// Interval between receiving a new grenade with the Flaming Gloves of Warmth (default is 10)
wc3_glove_orc_damage	0		// When using gloves, should orcs be given the critical dmg? (Default is 0)
wc3_boots		0.10		// Percentage increase given by boots (.10 = 10%, default is 0.10)
wc3_claw		6		// Damage done by Claws of Attack (default is 6)
wc3_health		15		// Health bonus given for periapt of health (default is 15)
wc3_frost		125.0		// Speed of victim when attacked with Orb of Frost (default is 125.0)
wc3_mask		0.3		// Percentage of life gained back by mask of death (default is 0.3)
wc3_cloak		150		// Invisibility given with cloak, lower is more invisible (default is 150)
wc3_sock		0.5		// Gravity level for Sock of the Feather (default is 0.5)
wc3_tome		50		// XP given for purchasing tome of experience (default is 50)

// Bot Configuration Options

wc3_bot_buy_item	0.33		// Chance of a bot buying a shopmenu item at the beginning of the round (default is 0.33)

// DOD Options

wc3_dod_start_money	800		// Starting money for dod

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Without Amxbans or WC3FT
	Changelevel 0 seconds until mapload screen
	Starts loading the map directly
	amx_map 3 seconds		
	Starts loading the map directly

	Galileo map plugin 0
	Starts loading the map directly

With Amxbans and not WC3FT active
	Changelevel 10 seconds until mapload screen
	Starts loading the map directly

	amx_map 12 seconds
	Starts loading the map directly

	Galileo 8 seconds
	Starts loading the map directly

With WC3FT and not Amxbans
	Changelevel 10 until mapload screen
	Starts loading the map after 5 seconds

	amx_map 12 seconds
	Starts loading the map after 5 seconds

	Galileo 8 seconds
	Starts loading the map after 5 seconds

With both Amxbans and WC3FT
	Changelevel 24-32 seconds until mapload screen (19 seconds with Galileo deactivated)
	Starts loading the map after 5 seconds	

	amx_map 21 (17 seconds without Galileo)
	Starts loading the map after 5 seconds

	Galileo 21
	Starts loading the map after 5 seconds

mp_chattime 0 makes no difference at all on the test results. Also these test were done with me alone on the server. You don't get kicked out from the server if you're on it alone. You do get a red connection error message in the upper right corner, but never get kicked out.

I would really, really appreciate all the help I can get.

// WildSoft