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Re: Warcraft 3 FrozenThrone - Death Match FFA?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:36 pm
by whosyourdaddy
war3ft/xp.inl find

Code: Select all

XP_onDeath( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeaponIndex, iHeadshot )

	// We don't want to give XP to the world
	if ( iAttacker == 0 )

	// We don't want to give XP to suiciders
	else if ( iAttacker == iVictim )
	new iLevel = p_data[iVictim][P_LEVEL]
	new iBonusXP, iXP = floatround( XP_GivenByLevel( iLevel ) * fWpnXPMultiplier[iWeaponIndex] );

	// Check for a team kill
	if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) == get_user_team( iVictim ) )
		// Remove XP since he killed his teammate
		iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, -1 * iXP );

		// This message should be displayed no matter what XP_kill_objectives is, b/c it's a no-no
		if ( iBonusXP != 0 )
			client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have lost %d XP for killing a teammate", g_MODclient, -1 * iBonusXP );


	// Otherwise the player killed the other team
		// Award XP for a kill
		iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, iXP );
		if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
			client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the enemy", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

		// User had a headshot?  Give bonus XP!
		if ( iHeadshot )
			iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_HEADSHOT );
			if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
				client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for getting a headshot", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

		new iAssistLevel, iAssistXP, iVictimMaxHealth;
		new Float:fMultiplier;

		// Award XP for other people doing damage to this victim
		for ( new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++ )
			// Then this player dealt some damage to this player this round
			if ( g_iDamageDealt[i][iVictim] > 0 && iAttacker != i )
				iVictimMaxHealth = get_user_maxhealth( iVictim );
				fMultiplier = float( g_iDamageDealt[i][iVictim] ) / float( iVictimMaxHealth );
				iAssistLevel = p_data[i][P_LEVEL];
				iAssistXP = XP_GivenByLevel( iAssistLevel );

				// Need a ratio of XP to award to person who dealt damage
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( i, ( floatround( float( iAssistXP ) * fMultiplier ) / 2 ) );

				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( i, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for a kill assist!", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

				// victim may respawn, so reset the counter
				g_iDamageDealt[i][iVictim] = 0;

		if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO )
			// User killed a hostage rescuer
			if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_HOSTAGE_RESCUER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_HOSTAGE_SAVER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the hostage rescuer", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// User killed the bomb defuser
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_DEFUSER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_DEFUSER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb defuser", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// User killed the bomb planter
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_PLANTER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_PLANTER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb planter", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// User killed the bomb carrier
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_CARRIER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_BOMB_CARRIER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb carrier", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// user killed the VIP
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_VIP )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_VIP );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the VIP", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

		else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )


		// Player died, so lets reset their data
		g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] = 0;
change to

Code: Select all

XP_onDeath( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeaponIndex, iHeadshot )

	// We don't want to give XP to the world
	if ( iAttacker == 0 )

	// We don't want to give XP to suiciders
	else if ( iAttacker == iVictim )
	new iLevel = p_data[iVictim][P_LEVEL]
	new iBonusXP, iXP = floatround( XP_GivenByLevel( iLevel ) * fWpnXPMultiplier[iWeaponIndex] );

	// Check for a team kill
	if ( !iAttacker )

	// Otherwise the player killed the other team
		// Award XP for a kill
		iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, iXP );
		if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
			client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the enemy", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

		// User had a headshot?  Give bonus XP!
		if ( iHeadshot )
			iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_HEADSHOT );
			if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
				client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for getting a headshot", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

		new iAssistLevel, iAssistXP, iVictimMaxHealth;
		new Float:fMultiplier;

		// Award XP for other people doing damage to this victim
		for ( new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++ )
			// Then this player dealt some damage to this player this round
			if ( g_iDamageDealt[i][iVictim] > 0 && iAttacker != i )
				iVictimMaxHealth = get_user_maxhealth( iVictim );
				fMultiplier = float( g_iDamageDealt[i][iVictim] ) / float( iVictimMaxHealth );
				iAssistLevel = p_data[i][P_LEVEL];
				iAssistXP = XP_GivenByLevel( iAssistLevel );

				// Need a ratio of XP to award to person who dealt damage
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( i, ( floatround( float( iAssistXP ) * fMultiplier ) / 2 ) );

				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( i, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for a kill assist!", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

				// victim may respawn, so reset the counter
				g_iDamageDealt[i][iVictim] = 0;

		if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO )
			// User killed a hostage rescuer
			if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_HOSTAGE_RESCUER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_HOSTAGE_SAVER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the hostage rescuer", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// User killed the bomb defuser
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_DEFUSER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_DEFUSER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb defuser", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// User killed the bomb planter
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_PLANTER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_PLANTER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb planter", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// User killed the bomb carrier
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_BOMB_CARRIER )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_BOMB_CARRIER );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_kill_obj ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the bomb carrier", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );
			// user killed the VIP
			else if ( g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] == PLR_VIP )
				iBonusXP = XP_Give( iAttacker, KILL_VIP );
				if ( iBonusXP != 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_show_objectives ) )
					client_print( iAttacker, print_chat, "%s You have been awarded %d XP for killing the VIP", g_MODclient, iBonusXP );

		else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )


		// Player died, so lets reset their data
		g_iPlayerRole[iVictim] = 0;

Re: Warcraft 3 FrozenThrone - Death Match FFA?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:26 pm
by whosyourdaddy
did u compile it and upload it?

Re: Warcraft 3 FrozenThrone - Death Match FFA?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:55 pm
by whosyourdaddy
so im guessing it works fine now?