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WC3FT Crashing Server - Posted by request :)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:06 pm
by Xtrm2Matt
-- As requested --

******** A new map has loaded (de_dust2)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Check_Connection ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_end ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Save_All ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Prune ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_CloseDB ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
******** A new map has loaded (de_dust2)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Check_Connection ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[client_connect ] [1 ] [ ] [ ]
[client_putinserver ] [1 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_ResetHud ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[race9_randomize ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[Ultimate_Icon ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Skill_Check ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Skills_Blink ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Ultimate_Icon ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
******** A new map has loaded (de_dust2)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Check_Connection ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_end ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Save_All ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Prune ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_CloseDB ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
; AMX Mod X Modules
; You can specify both linux & win32 modules here
; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon from the line

; ------------------------------
; Fun - provides extra functions
; ------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------
; Engine - provides engine functions core to Half-Life
; ----------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Fakemeta - provides a massive interface into the HL engine
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -------------------------------------------
; Database Access - only enable one of these
; -------------------------------------------
; PostgreSQL
; Microsoft SQL
; SQLite

; ---------------------------------------------
; GeoIP - determines the country of ip adresses
; ---------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------
; Sockets - network socket support
; --------------------------------

; --------------------------
; Regular Expression support
; --------------------------

; --------------------
; Binary Vault support
; --------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Counter-Strike - adds functions specific to Counter-Strike
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -----------------------------------------------------
; CSX - adds functionality for CS statistics and events
; -----------------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; WAR3FT - adds functions used by war3ft - By Geesu (Pimp Daddy)
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
amxbans.amxx ; amxbans system
amxbans_menu.amxx ; amxbans system
;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic
admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation
multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle
;mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
warcraft3FT.amxx debug
// AMX Configuration File
echo Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File

// Default access for all non admin players (see users.ini for access details)
amx_default_access "z"

// Name of setinfo which should store a password on a client (you should change this)
// (Example: setinfo _pw "password")
amx_password_field "_pw"

// Mode of logging to a server
// 0 - disable logging, players won't be checked (and access won't be set)
// 1 - normal mode which obey flags set in accounts
// 2 - kick all players not on list
amx_mode 1

// Show admins activity
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - show without admin name
// 2 - show with name
amx_show_activity 2

// Frequency in seconds and text of scrolling message
amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to the Optical Gaming Network!" 600
amx_scrollmsg "Support our community. Register at our forums!" 600
amx_scrollmsg "Register at our forum:" 600

// Center typed colored messages (last parameter is a color in RRRGGGBBB format)
amx_imessage "Visit our site and forums at:\n" "000255100"
amx_imessage "Visit our IRC Server:\" "000255100"
amx_imessage "Site:\nForum:" "000255100"
amx_imessage "Sign up to our forum and get free cookies!\n" "000255100"

// Frequency in seconds of colored messages
amx_freq_imessage 60

// Set in seconds how fast players can chat (chat-flood protection)
amx_flood_time 0.75

// Amount of reserved slots (for more details see comments in a plugin source)
amx_reservation 2

// Displaying of time remaining
// a - display white text on bottom
// b - use voice
// c - don't add "remaining" (only in voice)
// d - don't add "hours/minutes/seconds" (only in voice)
// e - show/speak if current time is less than this set in parameter
amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

// Announce "say thetime" and "say timeleft" with voice
amx_time_voice 1

// Minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions
amx_vote_delay 10

// How long voting session goes on
amx_vote_time 10

// Display who votes for what option
amx_vote_answers 1

// Some ratios for voting success
amx_votekick_ratio 0.40
amx_voteban_ratio 0.40
amx_votemap_ratio 0.40
amx_vote_ratio 0.02

// Max. time to which map can be extended
amx_extendmap_max 90

// Step for each extending
amx_extendmap_step 15

// Rank mode
// 0 - by nick
// 1 - by authid
// 2 - by ip
csstats_rank 1

// Max size of the stats file
csstats_maxsize 999999999

// Duration of HUD-statistics
amx_statsx_duration 12.0

// HUD-statistics display limit relative round freeze end
// Negative time will clear the HUD-statstics before the round freeze time has ended
amx_statsx_freeze -2.0

//If you set this to 0, clients cannot chose their language
amx_client_languages 1

// Plugin Debug mode
// 0 - No debugging (garbage line numbers)
// 1 - Plugins with "debug" option in plugins.ini are put into debug mode
// 2 - All plugins are put in debug mode
// Note - debug mode will affect JIT performance
amx_debug 1
mp_savexp 1 // Enables saving of experience (uses a vault, default is 0)
sv_mysql 1 // this will save w/MySQL or SQLLite (note: to use this mp_savexp must also be 1, default is 0)
FT_saveby 0 // What should I save this as? steam id = 0, IP = 1, name = 2 (default is 0)

// MySQL configuration
FT_mysql_host "xxx" // Host Name
FT_mysql_user "xxx" // User Name
FT_mysql_pass "xxx" // Password
FT_mysql_db "xxx" // Database Name
FT_auto_pruning 0 // Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange (default is 0)
sv_daysbeforedelete 365 // However many days before deleting XP or pruning from MySQL database (default is 31)
sv_mysqltablename "xxx" // Table Name, no need to change (default is war3users)
sv_save_end_round 1 // Save Users at the end of each round (causes slight lag, default is 1)

// Experience options
mp_xpmultiplier 1.0 // set the level required to gain a level as a multiple (default 1.0)
mp_weaponxpmodifier 1 // gives additional XP for using certain weaker weapons (default is 1)
FT_min_b4_XP 2 // Minimum amount of players needed b4 awarding XP (default is 2)
FT_objectives 1 // If enabled, will display message in chat to show XP they gain for completing certain objectives (default is 1)
FT_kill_objectives 1 // Shows how much XP you gain for killing someone (each kill, default is 0)
FT_bombplanterxp 15 // XP given for planting the bomb (default is 15)
FT_defusexp 30 // XP given for defusing the bomb (default is 30)
FT_hostagexp 25 // XP given for helping to rescue the hostages (default is 25)
FT_killrescuemanxp 25 // XP given for killing the person rescuing the hostages (default is 25)
FT_xpbonus 50 // XP given for purchasing tome of experience (default is 50)
FT_kill_bomb_carrier_bonus 25 // XP given for killing the bomb carrier (default is 25)
FT_defuser_kill_bonus 25 // XP given for killing the defuser (default is 25)
FT_VIP_kill_bonus 25 // XP given for killing the VIP (default is 25)
FT_VIP_escape_bonus 30 // XP given when the VIP escapes (default is 30)
FT_headshot_bonus 9 // XP given for getting a headshot (default is 9)
FT_xp_radius 750 // Radius to give XP to teammates near where the special objective is completed (rescued hosties, bomb planted, killed vip, vip escaped, default is 750)
FT_round_win_XP 35 // Experience given to the winning team (default is 35)
FT_autoxp 0 // With this option set to 1, the joining players will receive the average amount of XP that all of the players have (SHORT TERM XP ONLY, default is 0)

// Game Play Enhancements
sv_warcraft3 1 // Set this to 0 to disable warcraft (default is 1)
mp_grenadeprotection 0 // Only 1 HE grenade will be allowed for purchase per round (default is 0)
FT_position 0 // 0 is for left, 1 is for right (where to put the information for those spectating, default is 0)
FT_centerhud 1 // Automatically makes the hud be centered (message that shows xp/race/level, default is 1)
FT_items_in_hud 0 // Display items w/a HUD message (this will take up 1 of the 4 channels, default is 0)
FT_spec_info 1 // Show Spectating information for dead players (default is 1)
FT_show_icons 1 // Shows icons on your screen when your ultimate is ready (default is 1)
FT_race_icons 1 // Allow users to type /icons to show player icons above the player (default is 1)
FT_level_icons 1 // Allow users to type /icons to see player levels above the player (default is 1)
FT_CD 0 // If set to 1, it will not allow players without Cheating Death to play this mod (default is 0)
FT_buyzone 0 // Restrict purchasing shopmenu items to within the buyzone? (default is 0)
FT_buytime 0 // Restrict purchasing shopmenu items to within the buytime? (default is 0)
FT_buydead 1 // Allow users to purchase items when dead? (default is 1)
FT_show_player 1 // Show teammate and enemy information in the center of the screen when they are on target? (not for DOD, default is 1)
FT_query_client 1 // Check user's cl_minmodel cvar every second (default is 1)

// TYPE OF WARCRAFT (If race 4 or 5 is selected, messsages will say WAR3 instead
// of saying WAR3FT, also shopmenu2 will be disabled, as well as saying rings and ability)
FT_races 9 // Number of races (if races are less than 5, the second shopmenu will be disabled (4 is standard war3), default is 8)

// ****************************************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************************************

// Chameleon Race Configuration Options (Race 9)
// This race allows you to either assign skills that will be permanent, or random skills will be chosen each round
FT_Race9_Random 1 // Should the 9th race have random skills each round?, if so the next 4 option are irrelevant (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Skill1 1 // What race should the first skill be taken from? (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Skill2 1 // What race should the second skill be taken from? (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Skill3 1 // What race should the third skill be taken from? (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Ultimate 1 // What race should the ultimate be taken from? (default is 1)

// Skill and Ultimate configurations
FT_ultimatedelay 5.0 // Amount of time (in seconds) to delay the ultimates at the start of each round (default is 15.0)
FT_healing_range 750 // Range for Healing Wave to jump from player to player and heal (default is 750)
FT_ultimate_cooldown 25.0 // Cooldown of all ultimates (default is 35.0)
FT_warn_suicide 1 // Tells Undead Scourges their bomb is armed when they hit ultimate key, a second key press then detonates it (default is 1)
FT_blinkenabled 1 // Use blink instead of team teleport (default is 1)
FT_blink_protection 1 // slays people who abuse blink on some maps (skywalking, map exploiting, default is 1)
FT_blink_radius 500 // Enemies who have immunity w/in this radius will cause blink to fail (default is 500)
FT_blink_dizziness 1 // What type of diziness? (1 is flashbang effect, 2 is fading blue screen, default is 1)
FT_entangle_drop 0 // Should the player's primary weapon be dropped when they are entangled? (default is 0)
FT_impale_intensity 10 // Setting this to a lower non-negative number will lower the intensity of impale (default is 10)

// Item configurations
FT_glove_timer 10 // Interval between receiving a new grenade with the Flaming Gloves of Warmth (default is 10)
FT_no_gloves_on_ka 1 // Prevents Flaming gloves of warmth on ka maps and scoutzknivez (default is 1)
FT_glove_orc_damage 0 // When using gloves, should orcs be given the critical dmg? (Default is 0)
FT_no_orcnades 0 // Prevent orc nades on ka_ maps, fy_ maps and jail_riot (default is 0)
FT_claw 6 // Damage done by Claws of Attack (default is 6)
FT_bootspeed 285.0 // Speed given for purchasing boots of speed (different for dod, see dod section, default is 275)
FT_health_bonus 15 // Health bonus given for periapt of health (default is 15)
FT_frost_speed 125.0 // Speed of victim when attacked with Orb of Frost (default is 125.0)
FT_mask_of_death 0.2 // Percentage of like gained back by mask of death (default is 0.3)
FT_cloak 150 // Invisibility given with cloak, lower is more invisible (default is 150)
FT_sock 0.5 // Gravity level for Sock of the Feather

// Bot Configuration Options
FT_bot_buy_item 0.33 // Chance of a bot buying a shopmenu item at the beginning of the round (default is 0.33)

// DOD Options
DOD_startmoney 800 // Starting "fake" money for dod
DOD_bootspeed 45.0 // Stamina given for boots of speed in Day of Defeat (default is 45.0)
Posted in the other thread (viewtopic.php?t=747):
Geesu wrote:well from that, war3ft isn't crashing it... Start a new thread (so this isn't highjacked) and put what u just put above in it, also post your modules.ini, plugins.ini, amxx.cfg and war3ft.cfg
It most deffinatly is WC3FT. I stipped AMXModX down to what it comes with by default, added my plugins 1-by-1 and everything worked. As soon as warcraft3.amxx was added, server crashes when players try and connect. I also tried it with only warcraft3.amxx specified and it crashed. So yes, most deffinatly.

Logs don't really show anything except "Server Shutdown".



Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:09 pm
by Geesu
Start your server and join it a few times to generate more data in the wra3ft.log file, thats not conclusive enough to help me :(

Also, what OS are you running ?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:46 am
by GUNN3R17
having same problem...not sure what causes it.

seems to happen only in amxx 1.01 and not 1.6...if i find more about it i'll post

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:54 am
by Xtrm2Matt
Will try and get more logs today. OS is Windows 2003 Web Edition.

(Running AMXModX 1.6, btw)


Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:47 am
by Geesu
Matt is it possible that I can get VNC/remote access to that server so I can play with it? It seems like a lot of people have been having this problem on windows :/ And I have not :(

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:32 pm
by GUNN3R17
i was on linux with that problem...after a fresh reinsalation i have it working right now...still dont know what caused it