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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:32 am
by Liquidz
just thought of a cool thing for undead instead of vampiric i think you should make a skill that when your in air you can shooot that same as if you are on ground. like if ur in air with awp and u aim at someone it actually hits them. just a suggestion seeing undead has levitation.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:04 am
by Geesu
not really possible

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:14 pm
by Overkill
it'd take way too long to code and would take fun out of the game. However, you could do something with the utli traceline and deal a set amount of damage depending on the hitbox the traceline hits, distance, and weapon...or so my noob @ programming self would think =)

however, i know that geesu isn't even going to try it and i would have to say, i speak for a lot of people when i say it'd effectively ruin WC3.

P.S. i'm using a horrible keyboard that doesnt like people whotype faser han 30wpm and i cant keep stopping to correct my errors so if you dont like it then you can go kill yousef kthnx. 8)