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Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:01 pm
by csmutley
To be honest this Item at the moment on our server causes trouble can anyone tell me how to either stop it being bought when dead or make it activate next round when it's bought by a dead player? Maybe this has been requested before but I can't find any posts about it if it has and you know where the post is can you reply with a link.


Re: Scrolls

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:46 am
by csmutley
Mordekay wrote:What problems appear?
Instead of restricting the scroll you should try to fix it.
Give us some informations about what version you are running and thigs like this.
amxx list
amxx modules
meta list
The problem is Scrolls being bought when a player is dead I think it has always done it but we feel if you buy it while alive that is ok but players wait till nearly the end of rounds to buy it then respawn and win the round, We are running WC3FT rc13 I don't think it's a bug just something we'd like to change or have the ability to stop them buying it while dead or stop it activating untill the next round

Re: Scrolls

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:23 am
by YamiKaitou
In the config, there is this cvar. It will effect every item, so if you just want to restrict one item, let us know and one of us will give you the code edit.

wc3_buy_dead 1 // Allow users to purchause items when dead? (default is 1)