My server crash with this error -
Code: Select all
[war3ft.amxx] [ERROR] 'Invalid player id 1699484' '10' '1' 'Run time error 10: native error (native "get_user_attacker")'Invalid player id 1699484
[AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "war3ft.amxx", version "3.0.0-dev")
[AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "log_amx")
[AMXX] [0] events.inl::on_DeathMsg (line 258)
Mine events.inl:
Code: Select all
// Forwards from the CSX module and DODX module
public grenade_throw( index, greindex, wId )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
// If user isn't alive do nothing!
if ( !is_user_alive( index ) )
// User has gloves! Do we need to give them another grenade?
if ( ITEM_Has( index, ITEM_GLOVES ) > ITEM_NONE )
ITEM_Glove_Begin( index );
static iSkillLevel;
iSkillLevel = SM_GetSkillLevel( index, SKILL_CRITICALGRENADE );
// Make sure the user has the skill and we actually have a grenade index
if ( greindex && iSkillLevel > 0 )
// Then Critical Grenades are allowed
if ( OR_CriticalGrenadeAllowed( index ) )
// Then draw it!
if ( SHARED_IsGrenade( wId ) )
new iWidth = 3 * iSkillLevel;
Create_TE_BEAMFOLLOW( greindex, g_iSprites[SPR_TRAIL], 20, iWidth, 255, 32, 32, 196 );
// HamSandwich implementation
public EVENT_TakeDamage( iVictim, inflictor, iAttacker, Float:f_Damage, damagetype )
static s_Classname[ 8 ];
pev ( inflictor, pev_classname, s_Classname, charsmax ( s_Classname ) );
new s_PlayerName[32], s_PlayerName2[32];
get_user_name( iVictim, s_PlayerName, 31 );
get_user_name( iAttacker, s_PlayerName2, 31 );
//server_print( "%s:%d attack's %s:%d for %0.0f damage with %s:%d", s_PlayerName2, iAttacker, s_PlayerName, iVictim, f_Damage, s_Classname, inflictor );
/* ColorChat( iAttacker, GREEN, "^4[ULTRAS#WC3]^1 Damage:^3 %f0.0^1, Victim:^3 %d^1, Inflictor:^3 %d^1 (^3%s^1)", iDamage, iVictim, inflictor, s_Classname );
ColorChat( iVictim, GREEN, "^4[ULTRAS#WC3]^1 Damage:^3 %f0.0^1, iAttacker:^3 %d^1, Inflictor:^3 %d^1 (^3%s^1)", iDamage, iAttacker, inflictor, s_Classname );
server_print( "Attacker: %d, Damage: %f0.0, Victim: %d, Inflictor: %d (%s)", iAttacker, iDamage, iVictim, inflictor, s_Classname );
public client_damage( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage, iWeapon, iHitPlace, TA )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
// If they damage themself we don't care now do we ?
if ( iVictim == iAttacker )
g_iDamageDealt[iAttacker][iVictim] += iDamage;
// Bot should "auto" cast his/her ultimate on random
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && is_user_bot( iAttacker ) && random_num( 0, 100 ) <= ( BOT_CAST_ULT_CHANCE * 100 ) )
// Check for an actual ultimate is done in this function, why do it twice?
cmd_Ultimate( iAttacker );
// We need to make sure that we have a valid attacker and the user isn't hexed
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && !p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_HEXED] )
// Run the offensive spells
UD_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iDamage );
HU_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim );
OR_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
NE_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
BM_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage );
SH_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim );
WA_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iHitPlace );
CL_SkillsOffensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iHitPlace );
// Make sure we can run the defensive skills
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && !p_data_b[iVictim][PB_HEXED] )
//UD_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
//HU_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
//OR_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
NE_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage, iHitPlace );
BM_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage );
SH_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim );
//WA_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
CL_SkillsDefensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iDamage, iHitPlace );
// Item abilities
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) )
ITEM_Offensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
ITEM_Defensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace );
// All we want to check is if the user was killed by the bomb
public client_death( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, hitplace, TK )
// Counter-Strike and Condition Zero Checks
// Check out who the inflictor was
new iInflictor = entity_get_edict( iVictim, EV_ENT_dmg_inflictor );
// Check to see if the death was from the bomb
if ( !SHARED_ValidPlayer( iInflictor ) && iWeapon != CSW_HEGRENADE && iInflictor )
if ( is_valid_ent ( iInflictor ) )
new szClassName[64];
entity_get_string( iInflictor, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName, 63 );
// Check the classname of our inflictor
if ( equali( szClassName, "grenade" ) || equali( szClassName, "env_explosion" ) )
iWeapon = CSW_C4;
iAttacker = 0;
// Well if this isn't set, shouldn't it be?
if ( !p_data_b[iVictim][PB_DIEDLASTROUND] )
on_Death( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeapon, 0 );
//client_print( iVictim, print_chat, "[DEBUG] You were just killed by the bomb (%s) Alive? %d", szClassName, is_user_alive( iVictim ) );
public on_Death( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeaponID, iHeadshot )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
// Counter-Strike and Condition Zero Checks
// For some reason the damage passed by explosions is not actually correct (perhaps armor adjustments weren't done yet), so lets check
if ( is_user_connected( iVictim ) && is_user_alive( iVictim ) && iWeaponID == CSW_C4 )
// Check for NightVision
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_NIGHTVISION] = (cs_get_user_nvg( iVictim )) ? true : false;
// Check if a user had a shield on death
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_SHIELD] = (cs_get_user_shield( iVictim )) ? true : false;
// See if the user has a defuse kit
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_DEFUSE] = (cs_get_user_defuse( iVictim )) ? true : false;
// Save the number of flash grenades the user has
p_data[iVictim][P_FLASHCOUNT] = cs_get_user_bpammo( iVictim, CSW_FLASHBANG );
// Check to see if weapons were silenced on death
new iWeaponUSPEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_usp", iVictim );
new iWeaponM4A1Ent = find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_m4a1", iVictim );
if ( is_valid_ent( iWeaponUSPEnt ) )
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_USP_SILENCED] = cs_get_weapon_silen( iWeaponUSPEnt ) ? true : false;
if ( is_valid_ent( iWeaponM4A1Ent ) )
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_M4A1_SILENCED] = cs_get_weapon_silen( iWeaponM4A1Ent ) ? true : false;
// Check to see if weapons were in burst mode on death
new iWeaponGlock18Ent = find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_glock18", iVictim );
new iWeaponFamasEnt = find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_famas", iVictim );
if ( is_valid_ent( iWeaponGlock18Ent ) )
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_GLOCK_BURST] = cs_get_weapon_burst( iWeaponGlock18Ent ) ? true : false;
if ( is_valid_ent( iWeaponFamasEnt ) )
p_data_b[iVictim][PB_FAMAS_BURST] = cs_get_weapon_burst( iWeaponFamasEnt ) ? true : false;
// Day of Defeat Checks
else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
// Save the user's origin for reincarnation
get_user_origin( iVictim, iReincarnation[iVictim] );
WC3_Death( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeaponID, iHeadshot );
// Hook for CS/CZ
public on_DeathMsg()
if ( !WC3_Check() )
new iAttacker = read_data( 1 );
new iVictim = read_data( 2 );
new iHeadshot = read_data( 3 );
new iWeaponID;
get_user_attacker( iVictim, iWeaponID );
on_Death( iVictim, iAttacker, iWeaponID, iHeadshot );
new g_iLastCurWeapon[33];
public on_CurWeapon( id )
// read_data(1) = isActive?
// read_data(2) = weapon index
// read_data(3) = ammo
if ( !WC3_Check() )
new iCurWeapon = read_data( 2 );
// Then a weapon strip was triggered - we don't want to save now do we?
if ( iCurWeapon == 0 && read_data( 1 ) == 0 && read_data( 3 ) == 0 )
// Record the last time a shot was fired
fLastShotFired[id] = halflife_time();
// Save the user's weapons
SHARED_SaveWeapons( id );
// Set the fuse for the weapon in DOD
if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
// Critical Grenade
if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_CRITICALGRENADE ) > 0 && SHARED_HasGrenade( id ) )
dod_set_fuse( id, FUSE_SET, 2.0, FT_NEW );
// We only need to run these functions if the user's weapon has changed since our last function call!
if ( g_iLastCurWeapon[id] != iCurWeapon && SHARED_ValidPlayer( id ) )
// Check to see if we should set the player's invisibility
// Set the user's speed
SHARED_SetSpeed( id );
g_iLastCurWeapon[id] = iCurWeapon;
public on_Drop( id )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
SHARED_SaveWeapons( id );
// HamSandwich implementation
public EVENT_Spawn( id )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
// ResetHUD can be called when the user is not alive, lets ignore those calls
if ( !is_user_alive( id ) )
// Store the player's team!
g_iPlayerTeam[id] = get_user_team( id );
// Prespawn call
// - Purpose is to have a spawn call that happens before everything else!
WC3_PreSpawn( id );
// This is the first time the user has spawned this round
if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_HAS_SPAWNED] )
EVENT_PlayerInitialSpawn( id );
p_data_b[id][PB_HAS_SPAWNED] = true;
// Start a new session under the following conditions:
// - Day of Defeat - need a new session per spawn!
// - CSDM - rounds never end!!!
if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD || ( CVAR_csdm_active > 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_csdm_active ) == 1 ) )
WC3_NewSession( id );
// Should be called at the end of each spawn
WC3_PostSpawn( id );
// Function called EVERYTIME a user spawns!
public on_ResetHud( id )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
// ResetHUD can be called when the user is not alive, lets ignore those calls
if ( !is_user_alive( id ) )
// Store the player's team!
g_iPlayerTeam[id] = get_user_team( id );
// We're forcibly respawning the player - so lets just return
if ( bIgnorePlayerSpawning[id] )
// Prespawn call
// - Purpose is to have a spawn call that happens before everything else!
WC3_PreSpawn( id );
// This is the first time the user has spawned this round
if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_HAS_SPAWNED] )
EVENT_PlayerInitialSpawn( id );
p_data_b[id][PB_HAS_SPAWNED] = true;
// Start a new session under the following conditions:
// - Day of Defeat - need a new session per spawn!
// - CSDM - rounds never end!!!
if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD || ( CVAR_csdm_active > 0 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_csdm_active ) == 1 ) )
WC3_NewSession( id );
// Should be called at the end of each spawn
WC3_PostSpawn( id );
// Function is called when the user is spawned at the START of each round - only WC3_PreSpawn is called first
public EVENT_PlayerInitialSpawn( id )
// Display the cheat message ONLY if they just joined!
if ( p_data_b[id][PB_JUSTJOINED] && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_cheats ) )
ColorChat( id, GREEN, "^^3 -^1 WC3 Cheats are enabled on this server!^3 Try typing /level10" );
p_data_b[id][PB_JUSTJOINED] = false;
// Display the new Chameleon skills for the round
if ( p_data[id][P_RACE] == 9 && get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_cham_random ) )
WC3_ShowRaceInfo( id );
WC3_NewSession( id );
// Function is called ONCE at the start of a new round BEFORE user's spawn
public EVENT_NewRound()
if ( !WC3_Check() )
// Reset the global ultimate delay
g_iUltimateDelay = get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_ult_delay );
// User's have not spawned yet, so lets do some pre-spawn things
new players[32], numplayers, i;
get_players( players, numplayers );
for ( i = 0; i < numplayers; i++ )
WC3_BeforeSpawn( players[i] );
// Reset which spawn points are reserved....
// If someone restarted the game, then lets reset war3
if ( g_GameRestarting )
// Randomize Chameleon if we need to
// We need to determine when the buytime is up
if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_buy_time ) )
// Remove our buytime task if it exists (from a previous round)
( task_exists( TASK_BUYTIME ) ) ? remove_task( TASK_BUYTIME ) : 0;
g_buyTime = true;
set_task( get_cvar_float("mp_buytime") * 60.0, "_CS_BuyTimeOver", TASK_BUYTIME );
g_freezeTime = true;
g_EndRound = false;
// Called when a user looks somewhere
public TRIGGER_TraceLine( Float:v1[3], Float:v2[3], noMonsters, pentToSkip )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
new iAttacker = pentToSkip;
new iVictim = get_tr(TR_pHit);
new iHitZone = (1 << get_tr(TR_iHitgroup));
// Make sure we have a valid victim
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iVictim ) && p_data_b[iVictim][PB_ISCONNECTED] )
// We need to have a valid player!
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) )
// This is a check for ultimates that need to "search" for a target
if ( p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_ISSEARCHING] )
// Now lets make sure the person he's looking at is in view and isn't on the same team
if ( get_user_team( iAttacker ) != get_user_team( iVictim ) ) //&& UTIL_EntInView( iAttacker, iVictim ) )
// Check to see if the user should block this ultimate!
if ( !g_EndRound && ULT_CanUserBlockUlt( iVictim ) )
ULT_RemoveCharge( iVictim, 0 );
ULT_Blocked( iAttacker );
// Then the user's ult should work!
// Well we do have a target so lets execute the user's ultimate!!
if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, ULTIMATE_CHAINLIGHTNING ) > 0 )
OR_ULT_ChainLightning( iAttacker, iVictim, iHitZone );
else if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, ULTIMATE_ENTANGLE ) > 0 )
NE_ULT_Entangle( iAttacker, iVictim );
else if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, ULTIMATE_IMMOLATE ) > 0 )
BM_ULT_Immolate( iAttacker, iVictim );
// No longer searching since we found a target
p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_ISSEARCHING] = false;
// Set up the user's ultimate delay
ULT_ResetCooldown( iAttacker, get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_ult_cooldown ) );
// This is a nice check for Helm of Excellence
if ( ITEM_Has( iVictim, ITEM_HELM ) > ITEM_NONE )
// Friendly fire is off! - This means same team shouldn't remove a charge!
if ( !get_pcvar_num( CVAR_mp_friendlyfire ) )
if ( g_iPlayerTeam[iAttacker] == g_iPlayerTeam[iVictim] )
// If its a headshot then we want to block it
if ( iHitZone & (1 << 1) )
set_tr( TR_flFraction, 1.0 );
// Make sure we have a valid attacker!
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) )
// Do the check to see if we should flash the screen orange
new Float:fTime = halflife_time();
new Float:fDifference = fTime - fLastShotFired[iAttacker];
if ( fDifference < 0.1 && fDifference > 0.0 )
Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 0, 0, 255, 150 );
// Lets remove a charge from the helm!
ITEM_RemoveCharge( iVictim, ITEM_HELM );
// Check to see if this user has night elf's evasion
if ( SM_GetSkillLevel( iVictim, SKILL_EVASION ) > 0 )
// Do the check to see if we should "evade" this shot
new Float:fTime = halflife_time();
new Float:fDifference = fTime - fLastShotFired[iAttacker];
if ( SHARED_ValidPlayer( iAttacker ) && fDifference < 0.1 && fDifference > 0.0 )
// Friendly fire is off! - This means we shouldn't evade since no damage will be done!
if ( !get_pcvar_num( CVAR_mp_friendlyfire ) )
if ( g_iPlayerTeam[iAttacker] == g_iPlayerTeam[iVictim] )
// Then we should evade this shot!
if ( NE_Evasion( iVictim, iHitZone ) )
set_tr( TR_flFraction, 1.0 );
WC3_StatusText( iVictim, TXT_SKILL, "You have evaded a shot!" );
// Mole protectant
if ( p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_MOLE] && ITEM_Has( iVictim, ITEM_PROTECTANT ) > ITEM_NONE )
new Float:fTime = halflife_time();
if ( fTime - fLastShotFired[iAttacker] < 0.1 )
ColorChat( iVictim, GREEN, "^^3 -^1 %L", iVictim, "SHOT_DEFLECTED" );
set_tr( TR_flFraction, 1.0 );
// Check for Big Bad Voodoo's ultimate!
if ( p_data_b[iVictim][PB_GODMODE] )
new bool:bBlockDamage = true;
// Do we allow this person to be attacked by this player?
if ( p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_BIGBAD_ATTACKER] )
bBlockDamage = false;
// Check to see if immunity is available for the attacker
else if ( ULT_CanUserBlockUlt( iAttacker ) )
// Remove charge and display message to attacker
ULT_RemoveCharge( iAttacker, 1 );
// Display message about user's ultimate being blocked!
ULT_Blocked( iVictim );
// This user can attack someone with big bad voodoo!
p_data_b[iAttacker][PB_BIGBAD_ATTACKER] = true;
// Reset the attacker dmg
set_task( get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_ult_cooldown ), "_SH_ResetBigBadAttacker", TASK_BIGBADATTACKER + iAttacker );
// Block the damage!
if ( bBlockDamage )
set_tr( TR_flFraction, 1.0 );