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Interesting MYSQL Error Randomly Happening

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:35 am
by Mp3RiPpEr
Allright so heres the problem. For some reason It will not Allow anyone to pick a race or anything it sais (something was wrong Selecting your information from the mysql server) or something like that.

Heres the error thats poping up in console.

Code: Select all

L 04/18/2007 - 09:02:38: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Connection to MySQL database successful
Stats disabled: Player Name
Total 1
L 04/18/2007 - 09:03:11: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Error in querying database, location: 0
L 04/18/2007 - 09:03:11: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Message: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (1)
L 04/18/2007 - 09:03:11: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Query statement: SELECT `xp`, `race` FROM `war3users` WHERE (`playerid` = 'BOT')

I have went to phpmyadmin and I Created the db. I created the table needed etc.

The other wierd thing is after about 5 minutes it will let players actually pick a race but then its coming up with this error (when there xp auto saves)

Code: Select all

L 04/18/2007 - 09:30:29: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Error in querying database, location: 3
L 04/18/2007 - 09:30:29: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Message: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (1)
L 04/18/2007 - 09:30:29: [warcraft3FT.amxx] Query statement: REPLACE INTO `hackshardwar3ft` (`playerid`, `playername`, `xp`, `race`, `skill1`, `skill2`, `skill3`, `skill4`) VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:3080450', '[TnG] TheGreatMp3', 57, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Any help would be appresiated. P.S. The ADMIN list isnt loading either for amxmodx itself. so Im thinking its a problem with mysql

Ok Heres one more thing I have figured out for sure. IT IS Saving xp every NOW and then but other times its coming up with a error. Disconnected from the mysql very wierd.. Dont know why its doing this but it saves about 25% of the time.

amxx plugins

Code: Select all

Currently loaded plugins:
       name               version  author            file             status
 [  1] Admin Base         1.71     AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running
 [  2] Admin Commands     1.71     AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running
 [  3] Admin Help         1.71     AMXX Dev Team     adminhelp.amxx   running
 [  4] Slots Reservation  1.71     AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running
 [  5] Multi-Lingual Sys  1.71     AMXX Dev Team  running
 [  6] Menus Front-End    1.71     AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running
 [  7] Commands Menu      1.71     AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running
 [  8] Players Menu       1.71     AMXX Dev Team     plmenu.amxx      running
 [  9] Teleport Menu      1.71     AMXX Dev Team     telemenu.amxx    running
 [ 10] Maps Menu          1.71     AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running
 [ 11] Admin Chat         1.71     AMXX Dev Team     adminchat.amxx   running
 [ 12] Anti Flood         1.71     AMXX Dev Team     antiflood.amxx   running
 [ 13] Scrolling Message  1.71     AMXX Dev Team     scrollmsg.amxx   running
 [ 14] Info. Messages     1.71     AMXX Dev Team     imessage.amxx    running
 [ 15] Admin Votes        1.71     AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running
 [ 16] NextMap            1.71     AMXX Dev Team     nextmap.amxx     running
 [ 17] Nextmap Chooser    1.71     AMXX Dev Team     mapchooser.amxx  running
 [ 18] TimeLeft           1.71     AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running
 [ 19] Pause Plugins      1.71     AMXX Dev Team     pausecfg.amxx    running
 [ 20] Stats Configurati  1.71     AMXX Dev Team     statscfg.amxx    running
 [ 21] Restrict Weapons   1.71     AMXX Dev Team     restmenu.amxx    running
 [ 22] StatsX             1.71     AMXX Dev Team     statsx.amxx      running
 [ 23] CS Misc. Stats     1.71     AMXX Dev Team     miscstats.amxx   running
 [ 24] CS Stats Logging   1.71     AMXX Dev Team     stats_logging.a  running
 [ 25] Warcraft 3 Frozen  2.3.2    Geesu==(Pimp Dad  warcraft3FT.amx  debug
 [ 26] AMX Bank           1.7      twistedeuphoria   amx_bank.amxx    running
 [ 27] Amx Super          2.8      Bmann_420         amx_super.amxx   running
 [ 28] Join/Leave Messag  1.2      BigBaller         join_leave.amxx  running
 [ 29] Bullet Whizz       1.4      Cheap_Suit  running
 [ 30] Player Model       2.13b    commonbullet      playermodel.amx  running
 [ 31] CZ Bot control     1.3.4    EKS               czbot_control.a  running
31 plugins, 31 running
amxx modules

Code: Select all

Currently loaded modules:
      name                    version  author               status
 [ 1] Fun                     1.71     AMX Mod X Dev Team   running
 [ 2] Engine                  1.71     AMX Mod X Dev Team   running
 [ 3] FakeMeta                1.71     AMX Mod X Dev Team   running
 [ 4] MySQL                   1.71     AMX Mod X Dev Team   running
 [ 5] CStrike                 1.71     AMX Mod X Dev Team   running
 [ 6] CSX                     1.71     AMX Mod X Dev Team   running
meta list

Code: Select all

Currently loaded plugins:
      description      stat pend  file              vers      src   load  unlod
 [ 1] AMX Mod X        RUN   -    amxmodx_mm_i386.  v1.71     ini   ANY   ANY
 [ 2] Fun              RUN   -  v1.71     pl1   ANY   ANY
 [ 3] Engine           RUN   -    engine_amxx_i386  v1.71     pl1   ANY   ANY
 [ 4] FakeMeta         RUN   -    fakemeta_amxx_i3  v1.71     pl1   ANY   ANY
 [ 5] MySQL            RUN   -    mysql_amxx_i386.  v1.71     pl1   ANY   ANY
 [ 6] CStrike          RUN   -    cstrike_amxx_i38  v1.71     pl1   ANY   ANY
 [ 7] CSX              RUN   -  v1.71     pl1   ANY   ANY
7 plugins, 7 running

--- Please enter the following information for support ---
War3ft Version:
Amxmodx Version:
Metamod Version:
amxx list:
amxx modules:
meta list:

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:09 am
by Mp3RiPpEr
I forgot to mention. if you ask me to traceroute to the box its gonna be kinda short cause the box is hosting both.

Heres a list of Running programs on this (linux) box.


and that is all of it

Nothing except czero access's mysql at the time of the logs. cstrike is now added as well and it is doing the exact same thing.

im not to sure why this bug is coming up because it will work Sometimes. othertimes it tells you contact admin.

any help on fixing this would be very appressiated. no I cannot install SQLlight on this box as it is not my machine. and im not gonna set up remove sql cause that always lags like mad.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:53 pm
by Mp3RiPpEr
ok so if I use sqlite where can I find the database file itself at? Ive got no clue where its stored at so I can add admins :S

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:21 am
by Mp3RiPpEr
OK heres what I did I told it to use SQLite but now I have one question. See im running a CS and a CZ server and I want them to use the SAME SQLite db. where would I find the db hidden at?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:48 am
by YamiKaitou
If you are using AmxModX 1.75+, it will be in the addons/amxmodx/data/sqlite3/ folder, but the files will be encrypted.

If using any version before 1.75, it will either be in the base mod folder or in the data folder., can't remember.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:23 pm
by Mp3RiPpEr
no such file or directory found Im on linux if that helps

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:29 pm
by YamiKaitou
If using any version before 1.75, it will either be in the base mod folder or in the data folder., can't remember.

I don't feel like installing 1.71 and setting up SQLite just so I can tell you the file location. (as I am lazy and I don't see a point in me doing it)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:41 am
by Mp3RiPpEr
hmm, well what would the sqlite db be called? I can find it if I can get the name of it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:41 am
by Mp3RiPpEr
omg I just found it LOL!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:02 am
by YamiKaitou
Where is it located and what is the file extension (for future references)?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:26 pm
by Mp3RiPpEr
for future references The file is in the main mod directory of /czero or /cstrike depending on which mod you got. if you edit war3ft.cfg to say database name globalko_cstrike and the table name globalko_cstrike it will name the file globalko_cstrike

Best idea. Make it say Database and Table of War3FT and it will name the file War3FT.

I would still like help trying to fix up mssql instead. it still had that prob on sql but not sqlite

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:47 pm
by taheri6
actually now that I think about it I have seen this before.

That is typically due to your sql host placing a max_connections_hour or max_updates_hour restriction on your account. So once you make that many table updates or player connections the mysql server drops your connections.

if you have them up those limits it may solve your problem.