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[MYSQLX] information_schema.tables

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:49 am
by DesasterUK
I'm allways getting an error, the the war3ft couldn't query a database called information_schema.

I took a look in my phpmyadmin and realized there is no db called like this.
Now i took a look to the war3ft plugin.

In db/mysqlx.inl i found:

Code: Select all

	// Check to see if the table even exists!
	new szDB[128];
	get_pcvar_string( CVAR_wc3_sql_dbname	, szDB			, 127	);
	formatex ( szQuery, 255, "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '%s' AND table_name = 'war3users';", szDB );
	query = SQL_PrepareQuery( g_DBConn, szQuery );
As i can understand it checks if the plugin correctly converts all the data from the old db-structure to the new one, cause just before this query it converts to the new db-structure, right?
But what is the information_schema database for?
Its not a standard created db of mysql and its not created by war3ft (and i think its not meant to be created by war3ft).

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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:13 am
by Geesu
What is the exact error message

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:21 pm
by DesasterUK
Here is my error message

Code: Select all

[WAR3FT] MySQL X database connection successful
L 08/09/2007 - 13:00:39: [war3ft.amxx] [MYSQLX] Error in querying database, location: 12
L 08/09/2007 - 13:00:39: [MYSQLX] Error in querying database, location: 12
L 08/09/2007 - 13:00:39: [war3ft.amxx] [MYSQLX] Message: Table 'information_schema.tables' doesn't exist (1146)
L 08/09/2007 - 13:00:39: [MYSQLX] Message: Table 'information_schema.tables' doesn't exist (1146)
L 08/09/2007 - 13:00:39: [war3ft.amxx] [MYSQLX] Query statement: SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'wc3test' AND table_name = 'war3users';
L 08/09/2007 - 13:00:39: [MYSQLX] Query statement: SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'wc3test' AND table_name = 'war3users';
I haven't found something in the code of war3ft where it creates this database.
So why should it try to get some data out of it?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:22 am
by DesasterUK
Correct me if i'm wrong.
The information_schema thing is a new feature in the newest MYSQL-versions.
I found the information_schema first in the manual of mysql5.0.

Ppl using mysql4.x or older don't have this feature.
That seems to be the problem.

Your method to convert the data in RC7B1 works great on mysql4.x

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:05 am
by DesasterUK
Now i see what the information_schema is for, i think.

Everytime you create/drop a db/table the mysql saves some information data to it.
So u can simply check what kind of dbs and tables are manage by mysql.
But it's a Mysql5.x feature (i know i allready said this above)

Now the problem:
Mysql4.x users don't have a information_schema.
In the code i pasted in my first post you will try to see if an old war3ft database exist.
So it tries querying an non-existend database and crashes the whole convert-procedure.