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FT_query_client cl_minmodels cvar

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:36 pm
by bacarra
i did a little test on this cvar. it doesnt matter if u have it set to 1 or 0, it will kick you no matter what if you have your cl_minmodels set to anything other than 0. is there any way u can fix this in your next release so it does actually work when the cvar is 1 or 0?

can you also lower the number of entities the locust swarm uses, everytime anyone uses it the console gets filled with
Overflow 500 temporary ents!
Overflow 500 temporary ents!
Overflow 500 temporary ents!
Overflow 500 temporary ents!
Overflow 500 temporary ents!
Overflow 500 temporary ents!

ty and keep up the good work

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:48 pm
by Geesu
It is bugged b/c of a valve update... Do you have the cvar set in the config file or by amx_cvar? amx_cvar will do nothing, settings are loaded at the start of the map

What game? DOD or CS?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:06 pm
by bacarra
cz. its in the war3ft.cfg file where it says FT_query_client. is there any way u can fix this? how about the locust with the overflow? is there any way u can fix that?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:19 am
by Geesu
The client querying won't work until amxx 1.65 is released...

Also, I didn't realize there was a problem w/the locust, I need to re-work/write it :/