Missing model in the download section

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Missing model in the download section

Post by RedSword » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:50 pm


I'm totally aware that this mod is rather dead and everything,

however I wonder if someone knows where I can download the FULL version (some models are missing in the forum ; i.e. "models/bskull_template1.mdl" or models/tentacle2.mdl aren't there; which are both mentioned in UTIL_war3x.inc).

Or even if someone has the full thing, I'd really appreciate if you could give a download link.

Just to to make sure you understand, I checked and made sure those models aren't in WAR3X_v1.0.3_complete.zip or WAR3X_v1.0.3_minimum.zip



SPR_BEAMFOLLOW = precache_model( "sprites/smoke.spr" );
SPR_SMOOTHWAVE = precache_model( "sprites/laserbeam.spr" );
SPR_SHOCKWAVE = precache_model( "sprites/shockwave.spr" );
SPR_BLOODDROP = precache_model( "sprites/blood.spr" );
SPR_BLOODSPRAY = precache_model( "sprites/bloodspray.spr" );

MDL_HORNET = precache_model( "models/hornet.mdl" );

SPR_CHAINLIGHTNING = precache_model( "sprites/lgtning.spr" );

SPR_SMOOTHBEAM = precache_model( "sprites/plasma.spr" );

SPR_DEATHCOIL = precache_model( "sprites/flare6.spr" );

SPR_ROOT = precache_model( "sprites/zbeam4.spr" );

SPR_FLAMEBURST = precache_model( "sprites/explode1.spr" );

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