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shadow hunter

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:40 am
by Nitricacid
:D then like :) then like :( then like :? then like "changerace"

that about covers it

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:42 pm
by GUNN3R17
l like the old hex...but geesu already said he wouldnt put it back in :(

i do like the serpent wards though...only wardens have immunity...that seems to be good

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:47 pm
by Geesu
whats sad is I didn't realize wardens had immunity from them

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:49 pm
by GUNN3R17

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:10 pm
by GUNN3R17
suggestion for the surpent wards...this has been joked about but i never saw someone seriously suggest it...make them still damage your enemy's and HEAL YOUR TEAM MATES....that would make them used alot more

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:58 pm
by Geesu
yea thats not a bad idea..

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:17 am
by Frozen Flame
lol that would be so gay if u were havin a knife fight with someone, he took to down to 35 hp and he had 100 still then u ran thru a serpent ward, got 100 hp again and he ran thru it and went down to 35 lol.

But yeh its a great idea

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:17 pm
by GUNN3R17
how much hp per second do you guys think you should get?
3 or 4 hp per second? will it stack if u are in multiple wards?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:35 am
by Nitricacid
make wards KILL YOU, not hurt you or like 90 dmg

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:44 pm
by GUNN3R17
i remember a very old version back in 1.5 that the wards basicle killed instantly...and blood mages always had times... a server running that mod was the first one i ever played cs on ever....something like dos wrecking krew..loved it, lol...but it went down long long time ago....any one know what version wc3 that was?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:35 pm
by Geesu
I remember a blood elf... But I didn't think chameleon was around when war3ft worked with 1.5

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:49 pm
by GUNN3R17
maybe they tweaked it alittle...was that ever a glitch with your realeases? blood mages always looking like the other team?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:53 am
by Geesu
no I don't remember that :/

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:06 am
by Nitricacid
ok back to on topic fix this hero

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:44 am
by Geesu
nothing is broken... GOSH

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:59 pm
by GUNN3R17
i play with shadow hunter alot and hex doesnt seem to be affected anyone at all...i ask but they say they never slow down.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:33 am
by Deathkamixil
Sh's wards is pretty weak...:( If only it can do about 30 damage ;) why not make it an ultimate...or something lol jk jk.

Gunner i like your avatar, May i have a copy?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:19 pm
by GUNN3R17
also about shadow hunter....hex...i was testing it out with a friend...all i really noticed is it made who a shot more invisible like a human and looked alittle glitchy in a way...didnt see much of a speed did stp the hexed one from using ultimate.

1) i think it should have a higher chance of lvl 3 should be 30-45 %...

2) if you think ones to powerful...than make it last until round ends instead of 5 old hex lasted that long....why not this one too

3) i think the speed should be alittle slower and bunny hop re-added if none of the above is done

doing all 3 suggestions would be to powerful...

i think it needs to last until round ends with a 20-30% chance at level 3(the speed can stay the way it is and re-adding bunny hop is optional.

like Nitricacid first said
" then like then like then like then like "changerace""
shadows just to weak right now