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Only shopmenu

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:18 am
by Mokkula_
I've been thinking that adding wc3 mod on my server, but most of the players there don't like it, but would like to get only shopmenu.

Is this possible for me to modify wc3 mod that there would only be shopmenus? Maybe there is a modificated version that has only shopmenus, I haven't had any luck searching for one, I would love to know where to get it if someone knows where :)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:55 am
by YamiKaitou
Yes. You are able to alter the code to remove the races and only have the shopmenus. This has not been done (nor will I assist in doing it) as this is not the purpouse of wc3ft.