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Ideas needed for races....

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:48 pm
by Geesu
Please post all suggestions you have for future races or modificaitons to current races here

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:24 am
by GUNN3R17
a chameleon like ability that gives you a random item from shopmenu 1 or 2 as one of your abilities and you can also buy a item

or if you think thats to powerful a skill that gives a chance at a random item from one of the shopmenu's whenever you spawn.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:44 am
by eM-Viper
maybe an ability to allow u to cary more money ^.^, well for real how about one that allows u to reload faster, like making a blademaster hero, ability, agility (faster reload) critical strike. dont know about a 3rd ability, but for ultimate, windwalk (lvl 2 invisibility with lvl 3 unholy aura ^.^ 10 seconds i guess)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:40 am
by nightscream
maybe for the ultmita of bloodmage i think :roll:
use the Half-life Flametrower
say if you like this idea

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:51 am
by Geesu
blood mage already has flamethrower

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:53 am
by nightscream
but i mean the model

any hero

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:15 pm
by swiny
1st skill like a trap or something u walk into it u carnt move for 10 secs and make it like u plant bomb to lay it down
2nd skill the things in war3 uhh u stick it down and u can see that place for like 180 secs or something like u have those u put em down and a little box comes up in corner of screen and u can see anything that walks past
3rd skill random item in shopmenu 1 and 2 even chance to mole

ultimate the plugin sentrys it put a sentry thing down for a sertain time u get xp off it like seph wards but the actualy shoot

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:47 pm
by nightscream
not really a race suggestion more an item suggestion like you can drop items on the ground or when you die you lose you items and there are on the ground but then you probably need some models :cry:

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:46 pm
by Odin(D)
Heres some off the top of my head...

....Some of us are driven nuts by invisible players. Getting kniffed buy the guy hidding in the corner of a dark room. How about a form of "infravision" (a term taken from Dungeons & Dragons). The ability to see all players with a form of glow. Red glow for axis, Green for allies. (Red/White for CS?)
....I'm not sure weather or not to have this passive ability added to a current class, a new class, or an item. (shopmenu3?, "The All Seeing Eye"?, $1500?)

...."Thief Trap", an item dedicated to damaging a Blood Mage using "siphon mana" on you. Maybe 5 damage for each hit resulting in a successful theft of money. Or a pecentage of damage = to the % they steal from you (not resulting in less than 1 and always rounded up). $1000?

....Need something to counter "Serpent Wards". I've used them on Charlie to stop players from planting on the Radio. "Rod of Redirection"? $2500? Channels energy of the Serpent Ward away from the item holder?

....Warden class. The Poison dagger (Shadow Strike?). The name Warden implies the keeper of a Prision. So replace "Shadow Strike" with a "Lockdown" ablility. A percentage chance to freeze a target hit and thier ability to shoot for 3 seconds?

....Phew, I'm on a role here. Actually, I'm outta thoughts for now.

Tell me what you think Geesu,

Edit: If you haven't guessed, I play DoD =)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:17 pm
by Geesu
yea that first one I have tried numerous times, the only problem is that if I make a player glow, it glows for EVERYONE. Although I could draw something above their head instead?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:06 pm
by Odin(D)
Geesu wrote:yea that first one I have tried numerous times, the only problem is that if I make a player glow, it glows for EVERYONE. Although I could draw something above their head instead?
....The only problem I see with that is the icon being hidden or obstucted. There have been times I accidently TK'd a player because of the way they were possitioned. I could not see thier team icon and assumed they were an enemy. But a wall or object blocked the icon.

....There was this bot program I worked with. Might have been Sturmbot or Shrikebot. But while using thier waypoint engine, there was a command to find a specific waypoint. When used, an "umbilical cord" of sorts, attached itself from me to the target waypoint. As I moved the "cord" updated with me. Though my partner could see the waypoints, she couldn't see the "cord". Something in this makes me think there must be a way to have an individual see something while no one else can.
....Could you (or someone else) invent a new kind of "glow" based on this idea? Its probly alot of work for any one person. So if I have to learn something to help, I'll try.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:30 am
by Frozen Flame
Hmm, i was thinking as some sort of power, when you hit them you have a 5 percent chance of inverting their Up, Down, Left and right keys, or it spins them 180 degrees, or 90 degrees. I can see that being pretty funny, cause there might be someone behind u that shots you, and then u auto spin round andhs them, just a though :)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:39 am
by Geesu
Well I can't create a glow, I could draw the cord on just your screen though.

I'll check into the glow thing, but I'm 90% sure everyone would see it

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:08 am
by ferret
Go look at daredevil on SuperHeros, it does what you want. Enemy players have a "ping" go out around them every few seconds. Only the player using daredevil sees them.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:39 am
by Geesu
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TY TY :)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:24 pm
by Odin(D)
ferret wrote:Go look at daredevil on SuperHeros, it does what you want. Enemy players have a "ping" go out around them every few seconds. Only the player using daredevil sees them.
....I thought of that idea. Then I realized if 3 or 4 humans were near you. You might be confuzed if not driven nuts by the noise.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:28 pm
by Geesu
not the sound I don't think, like a visual is what he means

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:00 am
by Frozen Flame
lol sound would be funny, u could have a bleep they gets faster and faster the closer they get, but only have it for the closest enemy other wise it would drive u mad.

gas nade

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:36 am
by Krazy
I want some race to be able to throw a smoke nade and the smoke is like poison gas and it hurts you. I think that would be really cool but i dont know if it possible.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:43 am
by Frozen Flame
that would be so cool, then you could smoke people out of rooms etc, i dont know if anyone has played cs 2d, the 2d version of cs, funny game, especially in lag. Well in that they introduced a flare gun, and i always like the idea of an incedary grenade, or poison gas grenade that maybe just gave the effect of a shaking screen or slight darkening of the screen.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:13 pm
by nightscream
geesu maybe make a topic or just say here what suggestions you like to add

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:00 pm
by AznRyoga
wouldn't it be cool if theres a race that could ignore shopmenu1 and shopmenu2 items?

like at lvl 1 it ignores the items opponents are using at 33%, lvl 2 66 and lvl 3 100%

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:14 am
by nightscream
and in a radius

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:16 pm
by Deathkamixil
What about a hero that is like a tanker, buffed life and armor but suffers only 2 skills...unless u have other skills options...or would that be too buffed? If he's too buffed..consider weapon restrictions, Wonder if that's possible :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:30 pm
by GUNN3R17
i heard someone on here or another part of the forums race menu's

maybe we could start brainstorming for that?

nelf could have a item that makes entangle root drop enemys weopon, another that makes thorns stronger

orc nades could be weakend in new version but have a item that makes them just as strong as before

undead could have a item that extends the radius of its explotion

human could have a item that makes its knife stronger(for those ppl that hid in dark area hoping to get a behind the back kill)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:46 am
by KomaKenneth
You want to Nerf the orchnades, wich are one toss and counter that with an boost to Undeads Suicide range?

This clearly shows wich race u play with :P


To bad WC3, the game. Doesnt differs on the "class races" or i would say:

phaps make it so that undeads are divided into 2-4 groups, and once youve chose one another of that specific cant be choosen until lvl max has been reached.

How do i mean?


Choose race.
1. Undead
Choose class.
1. Bones
2. Zombie
3. Vamp
4. Lich

1-3 are basic, 4 is locked till 1-3 are lvl max.

1. Bones (6 lvls?)
1. Wither flesh ( lets say 3 lvls)
(increase run speed / reduce max armor +- 5% / lvl)
2. Ethearal binding (3 to? )
( increase jump hight 5% /lvl, increase runspeed +2% / lvl)
Bones done!

2. Zombie (6 lvls?)
1. Hunger ( 4?)
(increase health 5% /lvl)
2. Lessen pain (2?)
(increase health +10 /lvl , reduce max armor -10/lvl)
Zombie done!

3. Vampire ( 6 lvls?)
1. Feed ( 4? )
( 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 % drain hp)
2. Flight (2?)
(increase jump hieght / runspeed , +2% / lvl)

4. Lich (2 lvls)
1. Death Shriek
( suicide ultimate "No se not through explosion" instead flashbang piiip.)
2. Dark Lords Boon
( +5% hp/drain/speed/jump)

Undead Summary:
20 lvls
Runspeed: +30%
Armor: Max 65 (no matter wich way one choose)
Jump height: +24%
Hp: Max 145
Drain Hp: 45%

Special names through 1-6 defined by class.
Defined names through 7-18 defined by lvl.
Special names for 19 and 20
Lvl 1: Bones - Resurected
Lvl 2: Bones - Withered corpse
and so on..
Lvl 6: Bones - Skeleton
Lvl 7: Bones + whatever = Fresh meat ? :p
Lvl 18 Lich
Lvl 19 Lich King
Lvl 20 Dark Lord


And when the Undeads done continue with human nelf and so on.. :) :)

Ideas and suggestion right?

The change so far would be +hp - armor and som more lvls.
(now with hp + onemight think its even thougher, for that you can always ad race specifics. Ex Undeads race spec. is that they drain Hp, humans can have human like abilities to counter that, ex Soldier -> Arms training ( lessen recoil.. and so on).


Well well.. just an idea =)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:12 pm
by GUNN3R17
[quote="KomaKenneth"]You want to Nerf the orchnades, wich are one toss and counter that with an boost to Undeads Suicide range?

This clearly shows wich race u play with :P[quote]

that was a example...i was suggesting like 5 items for each race...those are just toss up ideas

and as for your idea...after completing 1 race does its abilities carry over to the next? or is everyone i completly new race that you start 0 xp with?

maybe instead do like you said 4 undeads
Choose race.
1. Bones
2. Zombie
3. Vamp
4. Lich

but each one has a much higher ability then all the rest

bones - first one can be a over all well rounded race with slighhtly higher attributes then the other

zombie - cant be killed by wc3 abilitys from other undead types

vamp -could have vampire set alot higher then the others

lich - runs alot faster

add some abilities to or make each race have dif amount of hp or some start with armor would be good to

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:35 am
by KomaKenneth
I was think more of:

Race selection:

A. Undead --> (A1: Bones A2: Zombie A3: Vampire A4: Lich)

Each with their own xp, all building towards undead total xp.
Like subraces for the undead yet still within the undead, all stacking upon eachother so when at lvl 20 undead you have all boosts.

Thought of that because I usally play on a Save XP server with a few months reset, with 20 lvls defined to lvl at the same speed as before it should take 3 times longer to max out. Wich will make it so much more special to achieve lvl 20, being one of the few (dark lords) =)

I also thought that a split of the Boosts over more lvls would make a bit different play style, since you would be locked to the first Subclass you choose. So that on an low lvl you might have a variation of undeads running around ( 2 bones, 2 Zombies, 1 bones/vamp and so on) wich in my point of view would randomize gameplay abit more.

So a summary: :wink:
and as for your idea...after completing 1 race does its abilities carry over to the next? or is everyone i completly new race that you start 0 xp with?
(dont know exactly the standard lvl range)

Lvl 1 (600xp) -> Choose a subclass to begin with and be stuck with it till 6
Lvl 2 (1200xp)
Lvl 6 (18000?)
Lvl 7 (36000?) -> time to choose next sub class.

Haha, come to think of it it would summary up the total lvl 20 xp in waaaaay high.. so as You suggested I would now also suggest that each sub class has its own xp, starting over from 600xp for lvl.

For all except for the last "lich" lvls =) where i would say somewhere around 10-15k would be needed =)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:10 pm
by TaiFighter
Hi there!

What about a weapon-silencer for a new race or as an item to buy?

would make it much more difficult to locate your position.

as a skill perhaps according to human ability, -20%, -40% -60% noise from shots or something like that?

What do you think?


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:56 pm
by GUNN3R17
thats a pretty neat idea

that or a ability that makes random footstep noises within an certain area so they know someones coming but they think its from another direction

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:34 pm
by Geesu
That is a good idea... only bad part is it's very resource intensive, I would have to compare EVERY sound file that is being emitted

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:39 pm
by GUNN3R17
Geesu wrote:That is a good idea... only bad part is it's very resource intensive, I would have to compare EVERY sound file that is being emitted
less resource intensive version of what i said could be just simple where u have ur cross hairs and press a ability key that makes footsteps sounds from there the whole round

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:42 am
by Geesu
creates sounds like from where you're looking? That's not a bad idea, good way to screw someone up :P

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:14 pm
by MicEiken
maybe something like u can teleport others?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:49 pm
by Geesu
MicEiken wrote:maybe something like u can teleport others?
you obviously haven't played war3ft, this already exists :P

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:05 pm
by The Sorrow
Race: Assasain
10 lvl's
Passive Ability 1: Ninja Chakra (^^ there could be Better Names)
Description: (on level) 15%, 75%, 100% Statima Increace (like Unholy Aura)

Passive Ability 2: Deadly Strike
Description: (on Level) 15%, 40%, 75%, Chance of a One-Hit-Kill.

Passive Ability 3: Gift Of Shadows
Description: First level, 25% Cloaking and Silent Knife Slashes (just idea) Second Level, 50% cloaking And Silent Walk/Run. Third Level, 90% cloaking and Riffle Shots become Silent. (If SIlent SHots cant be done how about remove muzzle flashes?)

This is just an idea so dont shoot me ^^ :P :P

EDIT: Maybe have Assasain have Sniper class only? In fact start a trend to were only certan classes can have certan guns?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:42 pm
by Avanderik
Just telling you now that your skill #2 is too powerful. I would make a bleeding skill or a skill that gives you a chance to slow the opponent. My opinions though.