everybody is level 50

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everybody is level 50

Post by blackrider » Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:13 am

Hi ,

I have recently installed uwc3ng and everything was ok but after i have started to modify uwc3ng.cfg every player who join our server will be level 50 with 0 xp.
I have edited this single line in uwc3ng.cfg except mysql database info.

Code: Select all

uwc3ng_xp_for_level "40000" 		// Default XPs for every level
My uwc3ng config :

Code: Select all

// Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation Config file
// Last-Modified June, 23rd 2009

// main settings
uwc3ng_enabled "1"			// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Uwc3ng

// Where should we save the XP's then?
uwc3ng_savexp_sql "0"			// 0 = MySQL, 1 = SQLITE

// How should we save the XP's then?
uwc3ng_save_by "2"			// 0 = SteamID, 1 = IP, 2 = Name

// MYSQL options. You don't have to edit it if you use SQLITE
uwc3ng_host ""			// Server ip where the Mysql Database is hosted
uwc3ng_user ""			// The login name from the database
uwc3ng_pass ""				// The password from the database
uwc3ng_name ""			// The database name

// Psychostats
uwc3ng_enable_psychostats "0"		// 1 = Enable psychostats log, 0 = Disable psychostats log

// Admin options
uwc3ng_admin_flag "m"			// The required flag for admin commands

// Gameplay
uwc3ng_teleport_protection "1"	// slays people who abuse teleport on some maps (skywalking, map exploiting, default is 1)
uwc3ng_ultimate_cooldown "20"		// Amount of time (in seconds) to delay the ultimates (default is 20)
uwc3ng_teleport_dizziness "0"		// What type of dizziness? (0 is flashbang effect, 1 is fading blue screen, default is 0)
uwc3ng_entangle_drop "0"		// Should the player's primary weapon be dropped when they are entangled? (default is 0)
uwc3ng_spec_position "0"		// 0 is for left, 1 is for right (where to put the information for those spectating, default is 0)
uwc3ng_minmodels "1"			// Enable (1 default) or Disable (0) minmodels check. 
uwc3ng_icons "1"				// Enable (1 default) or Disable (0) Icons about the players if they need Repair Armor or Repair Mend
uwc3ng_ult_round_start_cd "5"   // Amount of time (in seconds) to delay the ultimates after every round start (default is 5 seconds)
uwc3ng_hudmessage_display "0"   // Enable (0 default) Items showen as a hudmessage or (1) as Status text

// Items
uwc3ng_boots "0.10"			// Percentage increase given by boots (.10 = 10%, default is 0.10)
uwc3ng_claw "6"				// Damage done by Claws of Attack (default is 6)
uwc3ng_cloak "150"			// Invisibility given with cloak, lower is more invisible (default is 150)
uwc3ng_mask "0.3"				// Percentage of life gained back by mask of death (default is 0.3)
uwc3ng_frost "125"			// Speed of victim when attacked with Orb of Frost (default is 125.0)
uwc3ng_health "15"			// Health bonus given for periapt of health (default is 15)
uwc3ng_glove_timer "10"			// Interval between receiving a new grenade with the Flaming Gloves of Warmth (default is 10)
uwc3ng_tome "60"				// XP given for purchasing tome of experience (default is 60)
uwc3ng_sock "0.5"				// Gravity level for Sock of the Feather (default is 0.5)

// XP options
uwc3ng_save_xp "1"			// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Saved XP

// XP modifiers
uwc3ng_xp_for_level "40000" 		// Default XPs for every level
uwc3ng_min_players "4"			// Minimum amount of players needed b4 awarding XP (default is 4)
uwc3ng_xpmultiplier "1.0"   		// Multiple all xps with this value
uwc3ng_save_end_round "1"		// Save xp at the end of each round (may cause lag, default is 1)
uwc3ng_startlevel "1"			// Defines the startlevel of each player if he connects to the server
uwc3ng_attrib_xpmodifier "0.5" 		// This is a good setting for Long Term XP (no savexp) to configure the attribpoints (0.5 default)
uwc3ng_resist_xpmodifier "0.5" 		// This is a good setting for Long Term XP (no savexp) to configure the resistpoints (0.5 default)

// Bots
uwc3ng_ignore_bots "0"			// 0 = ignore no bots, 1 = ignore bots
uwc3ng_bot_startlevel "0"		// Defines the startlevel of a bot if he connects to the server (default 0)
uwc3ng_bot_buy_item "0.33"		// A percentage chance to buy every spawn an item
amxmodx 1.8.2 + metamod 1.20

There is any way to reset entire uwc3ng installation so i can have normal leveling back ?
I have already removed everything from mysql database and deleted/restarted/installed again the mod with default settings and i have the same level 50 for everybody.


--edit --

Fixed , the problem was that with the uwc3ng_xp_for_level set at 40000 higher levels need negative xp limit so with 50 levels and 40000 .
It seems that uwc3ng have a max XP limit and the bad thing is that this mod doesn't check this value .. it will simply go with negative value and everybody without a negative value will get the higher level.

Another problem i have seen is that players with names like : <'\ NAMEHERE \'> are causing database malfunction and lag on server since uwc3ng script tries to insert/extract info from database for that name. This may also be used to flood some servers i.e: multiple bots with this kind of name can crash/lag server . Tested with sqlite3 .

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