WC3FT Crashing the game on startup

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WC3FT Crashing the game on startup

Post by Enthusiast » Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:13 am

I'm not running any server or MySQL. Just playing in LAN.
After installation of WC3FT(http://wc3mods.net/war3ft/downloads/amx ... v2.2.7.zip) , editing liblist.gam and running the New Game it crashes while Parsing Server Info. Tried with amx .9.9b and it worked. But does'n seem to work with amxx & metamod. sorry, can't provide you with meta list etc, because it can't get the game started.

P.S! Searched for other posts with similar subject, but found nothing. Also read sticky's.

I appreciate you taking your time trying to help me.Thank You.

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Post by Geesu » Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:16 am

linux, windows ? If linux, what distro?

Also, uncomment warcraft3ft.amxx in /configs/plugins.ini and see if it starts
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Post by Enthusiast » Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:55 pm

Using Windows XP SP2. Every plugin is already uncommented in plugins.ini , but warcraft3ft.amxx has a "debug" written after it, like this:

Code: Select all

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
warcraft3FT.amxx debug
Any help?

//Edit: I put a ";" mark before warcraft3FT.amxx in plugins.ini and it started the game, so I suggest that the problem is with warcraft3FT.amxx plugin.

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Post by Geesu » Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:05 am

Paste your modules.ini please as well as your war3ft.cfg
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Post by Enthusiast » Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:28 am

modules.ini :

Code: Select all

; AMX Mod X Modules
; You can specify both linux & win32 modules here
; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon from the line

; ------------------------------
; Fun - provides extra functions
; ------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------
; Engine - provides engine functions core to Half-Life
; ----------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Fakemeta - provides a massive interface into the HL engine
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -------------------------------------------
; Database Access - only enable one of these
; -------------------------------------------
; PostgreSQL
; Microsoft SQL
; SQLite

; ---------------------------------------------
; GeoIP - determines the country of ip adresses
; ---------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------
; Sockets - network socket support
; --------------------------------

; --------------------------
; Regular Expression support
; --------------------------

; --------------------
; Binary Vault support
; --------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Counter-Strike - adds functions specific to Counter-Strike
; ----------------------------------------------------------

; -----------------------------------------------------
; CSX - adds functionality for CS statistics and events
; -----------------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; WAR3FT - adds functions used by war3ft - By Geesu (Pimp Daddy)
; --------------------------------------------------------------
war3FT.cfg :

Code: Select all

// Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Configuration File
// Note: NO MATTER WHAT, you must have the mysql module running
// even if you're not using it

mp_savexp		0		// Enables saving of experience (uses a vault, default is 0)
sv_mysql		0		// this will save w/MySQL (note: to use this mp_savexp must also be 1, default is 0)
FT_saveby		0		// What should I save this as?  steam id = 0, IP = 1, name = 2 (works for vault and mysql, default is 0)

// MySQL configuration
FT_mysql_host		""	// Host Name
FT_mysql_user		"root"		// User Name
FT_mysql_pass		""		// Password
FT_mysql_db		""		// Database Name
sv_mysql_auto_pruning	0		// Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange occuring between 5:36 to 5:59 AM (default is 0, doesn't work for vault)
sv_daysbeforedelete	31		// However many days before deleting XP or pruning from MySQL database (default is 31)
sv_mysqltablename	"war3users"	// Table Name, no need to change (default is war3users)
sv_mysql_save_end_round 0		// Save Users at the end of each round (causes slight lag, default is 0)
FT_disable_savexp	0		// Set this to 1 to disable users typing /savexp (default is 0)

// Experience options
mp_xpmultiplier		1.0		// set the level required to gain a level as a multiple (default 1.0)
mp_weaponxpmodifier	1		// gives additional XP for using certain weaker weapons (default is 1)
FT_min_b4_XP		2		// Minimum amount of players needed b4 awarding XP (default is 2)
FT_objectives		1		// If enabled, will display message in chat to show XP they gain for completing certain objectives (default is 1)
FT_kill_objectives	0		// Shows how much XP you gain for killing someone (each kill, default is 0)
FT_bombplanterxp	15		// XP given for planting the bomb (default is 15)
FT_defusexp		30		// XP given for defusing the bomb (default is 30)
FT_hostagexp		25		// XP given for helping to rescue the hostages (default is 25)
FT_killrescuemanxp	25		// XP given for killing the person rescuing the hostages (default is 25)
FT_xpbonus		50		// XP given for purchasing tome of experience (default is 50)
FT_kill_bomb_carrier_bonus 25		// XP given for killing the bomb carrier (default is 25)
FT_defuser_kill_bonus	25		// XP given for killing the defuser (default is 25)
FT_VIP_kill_bonus	25		// XP given for killing the VIP (default is 25)
FT_VIP_escape_bonus	30		// XP given when the VIP escapes (default is 30)
FT_headshot_bonus	9		// XP given for getting a headshot (default is 9)
FT_xp_radius		750		// Radius to give XP to teammates near where the special objective is completed (rescued hosties, bomb planted, killed vip, vip escaped, default is 750)
FT_round_win_XP		35		// Experience given to the winning team (default is 35)
FT_autoxp		0		// With this option set to 1, the joining players will receive the average amount of XP that all of the players have (SHORT TERM XP ONLY, default is 0)

// Game Play Enhancements
sv_warcraft3		1		// Set this to 0 to disable warcraft (default is 1)
mp_grenadeprotection	0		// Only 1 HE grenade will be allowed for purchase per round (default is 0)
FT_position		0		// 0 is for left, 1 is for right (where to put the information for those spectating, default is 0)
FT_centerhud		1		// Automatically makes the hud be centered (message that shows xp/race/level, default is 1)
FT_items_in_hud		0		// Display items w/a HUD message (this will take up 1 of the 4 channels, default is 0)
FT_spec_info		1		// Show Spectating information for dead players (default is 1)
FT_show_icons		1		// Shows icons on your screen when your ultimate is ready (default is 1)
FT_control		0		// Enable Time Activation Controler (default is 0)
FT_start		23		// Hour to Activate WC3 (time is in military time, default is 23)
FT_stop			07		// Hour to Deactivate WC3 (default is 07)
FT_message		0		// Show Message Monitor (near radar) (default is 0)
FT_race_icons		1		// Allow users to type /icons to show player icons above the player (default is 1)
FT_level_icons		1		// Allow users to type /icons to see player levels above the player (default is 1)
FT_CD			0		// If set to 1, it will not allow players without Cheating Death to play this mod (default is 0)
FT_buyzone		0		// Restrict purchasing shopmenu items to within the buyzone? (default is 0)
FT_buytime		0		// Restrict purchasing shopmenu items to within the buytime? (default is 0)
FT_buydead		1		// Allow users to purchase items when dead? (default is 1)
FT_show_player		1		// Show teammate and enemy information in the center of the screen when they are on target? (not for DOD, default is 1)

// TYPE OF WARCRAFT (If race 4 or 5 is selected, messsages will say WAR3 instead
// of saying WAR3FT, also shopmenu2 will be disabled, as well as saying rings and ability)
FT_races		8		// Number of races (if races are less than 5, the second shopmenu will be disabled (4 is standard war3), default is 8)

// ****************************************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************************************

// Chameleon Race Configuration Options (Race 9)
//	This race allows you to either assign skills that will be permanent, or random skills will be chosen each round
FT_Race9_Random		1		// Should the 9th race have random skills each round?, if so the next 4 option are irrelevant (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Skill1		1		// What race should the first skill be taken from? (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Skill2		1		// What race should the second skill be taken from? (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Skill3		1		// What race should the third skill be taken from? (default is 1)
FT_Race9_Ultimate	1		// What race should the ultimate be taken from? (default is 1)

// Skill and Ultimate configurations
FT_ultimatedelay	15.0		// Amount of time (in seconds) to delay the ultimates at the start of each round (default is 15.0)
FT_healing_range	750		// Range for Healing Wave to jump from player to player and heal (default is 750)
FT_ultimate_cooldown	35.0		// Cooldown of all ultimates (default is 35.0)
FT_warn_suicide		1		// Tells Undead Scourges their bomb is armed when they hit ultimate key, a second key press then detonates it (default is 1)
FT_blinkenabled		1		// Use blink instead of team teleport (default is 1)
FT_blink_protection	1		// slays people who abuse blink on some maps (skywalking, map exploiting, default is 1)
FT_blink_radius		500		// Enemies who have immunity w/in this radius will cause blink to fail (default is 500)
FT_blink_dizziness	1		// What type of diziness? (1 is flashbang effect, 2 is fading blue screen, default is 1)
FT_entangle_drop	0		// Should the player's primary weapon be dropped when they are entangled? (default is 0)
FT_impale_intensity	10		// Setting this to a lower non-negative number will lower the intensity of impale (default is 10)

// Item configurations
FT_glove_timer		10		// Interval between receiving a new grenade with the Flaming Gloves of Warmth (default is 10)
FT_no_gloves_on_ka	1		// Prevents Flaming gloves of warmth on ka maps and scoutzknivez (default is 1)
FT_glove_orc_damage	0		// When using gloves, should orcs be given the critical dmg? (Default is 0)
FT_no_orcnades		0		// Prevent orc nades on ka_ maps, fy_ maps and jail_riot (default is 0)
FT_claw			6		// Damage done by Claws of Attack (default is 6)
FT_bootspeed		275.0		// Speed given for purchasing boots of speed (different for dod, see dod section, default is 275)
FT_health_bonus		15		// Health bonus given for periapt of health (default is 15)
FT_frost_speed		125.0		// Speed of victim when attacked with Orb of Frost (default is 125.0)
FT_mask_of_death	0.2		// Percentage of like gained back by mask of death (default is 0.3)
FT_cloak		150		// Invisibility given with cloak, lower is more invisible (default is 150)
FT_sock			0.5		// Gravity level for Sock of the Feather

// Bot Configuration Options
FT_bot_buy_item		0.33		// Chance of a bot buying a shopmenu item at the beginning of the round (default is 0.33)

// DOD Options
DOD_startmoney		800		// Starting "fake" money for dod
DOD_bootspeed		45.0		// Stamina given for boots of speed in Day of Defeat (default is 45.0)

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Post by Geesu » Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:38 am

OK do this, open the warcraft3ft.sma, set ADVANCED_DEBUG to 1 (then recompile it ).... Run the plugin, and then look for the .log file it creates (will be /configs/war3ft.log)

Tell me what the last line is that is printed
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Post by Enthusiast » Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:46 am

When recompiling I get this:
//AMXXPC compile.exe
// by the AMX Mod X Dev Team

//// warcraft3FT.sma
// war3ft/ultimates.inl(919) : error 017: undefined symbol "id"
// war3ft/ultimates.inl(919 -- 920) : warning 202: number of arguments does not
match definition
// war3ft/ultimates.inl(919 -- 920) : error 001: expected token: ",", but found
// 2 Errors.
// Could not locate output file compiled\warcraft3FT.amx (compile failed).
// Compilation Time: 6,73 sec
// ----------------------------------------

Press enter to exit ...
Any comments? Sorry for being annoying but You are the only person that can help me. Thanks again.

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Post by Xtrm2Matt » Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:09 pm

As a note, just upgrading my test server is crashing due to WC3FT when a client connects.

Note sure if it helps, but -> It seems the server crashes when the client gets to "Precaching Resources..".

*awaits the conclusion from Geesu*

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Post by Geesu » Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:01 pm

OK enthusiast let me fix that... I'll post a .amxx file ok ?
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Post by Geesu » Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:05 pm

Xtrm2Matt you should try this as well, and post your war3ft.log file...
war3ft 2.2.8 with advanced debugging on
(240.57 KiB) Downloaded 1272 times
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Post by Xtrm2Matt » Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:24 pm

Done, and I guess this is what you mean as it was created:
******** A new map has loaded (de_dust2)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Check_Connection ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_end ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Save_All ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Prune ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_CloseDB ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
******** A new map has loaded (de_dust2)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Check_Connection ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[client_connect ] [1 ] [ ] [ ]
[client_putinserver ] [1 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_ResetHud ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[race9_randomize ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[Ultimate_Icon ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Skill_Check ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Skills_Blink ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Ultimate_Icon ] [1 ] [[@] : aKz' : Xtrm2Matt [OG] ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
******** A new map has loaded (de_dust2)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Check_Connection ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_end ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Save_All ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Prune ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_CloseDB ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]

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Post by Geesu » Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:58 pm

well from that, war3ft isn't crashing it... Start a new thread (so this isn't highjacked) and put what u just put above in it, also post your modules.ini, plugins.ini, amxx.cfg and war3ft.cfg
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Post by Enthusiast » Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:06 am

OK. So now I replaced the warcraft3FT.amxx with one You posted. Uncommented it in plugins.ini , started the game but again it crashed. Also I noticed it created a new file called warcraft3FT.log :

Code: Select all

******** A new map has loaded (fy_pool_day)
[plugin_precache         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_precache           ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[plugin_init             ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_exec_config        ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_connect          ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables      ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[lang_Set_Menus          ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_DBI              ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set                  ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier       ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[checkmap                ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_putinserver      ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[on_ResetHud             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[race9_randomize         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[Ultimate_Icon           ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skill_Check             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skills_Blink            ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Ultimate_Icon           ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[on_CurWeapon            ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[unholyspeed             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skill_Reincarnation     ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Item_Check              ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
Unfortunately problem not solved..

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Post by Geesu » Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:45 am

weird so it dies around Item_Check... Run it a few more times and then post the log, I need the log to be large
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Post by Enthusiast » Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:56 pm

Here is the log file after I ran it few more times:

Code: Select all

******** A new map has loaded (fy_pool_day)
[plugin_precache         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_precache           ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[plugin_init             ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_exec_config        ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_connect          ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables      ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[lang_Set_Menus          ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_DBI              ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set                  ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier       ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[checkmap                ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_putinserver      ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[on_ResetHud             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[race9_randomize         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[Ultimate_Icon           ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skill_Check             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skills_Blink            ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Ultimate_Icon           ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[on_CurWeapon            ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[unholyspeed             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skill_Reincarnation     ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Item_Check              ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
******** A new map has loaded (fy_pool_day)
[plugin_precache         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_precache           ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[plugin_init             ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_exec_config        ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_connect          ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables      ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[lang_Set_Menus          ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_DBI              ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set                  ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier       ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[checkmap                ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_putinserver      ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[on_ResetHud             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[race9_randomize         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[Ultimate_Icon           ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skill_Check             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skills_Blink            ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Ultimate_Icon           ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[on_CurWeapon            ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[unholyspeed             ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Skill_Reincarnation     ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[Item_Check              ] [1  ] [Mr.G                            ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
******** A new map has loaded (fy_adrenalin)
[plugin_precache         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_precache           ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[plugin_init             ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_exec_config        ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_connect          ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_putinserver      ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[on_ResetHud             ] [1  ] [[shoo+7]Mr.G                    ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[on_CurWeapon            ] [1  ] [[shoo+7]Mr.G                    ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables      ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[lang_Set_Menus          ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_DBI              ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set                  ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier       ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[checkmap                ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
******** A new map has loaded (fy_iceworld)
[plugin_precache         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_precache           ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[plugin_init             ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_exec_config        ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_connect          ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_putinserver      ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[on_ResetHud             ] [1  ] [[shoo+7]Mr.G                    ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[on_CurWeapon            ] [1  ] [[shoo+7]Mr.G                    ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables      ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[lang_Set_Menus          ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_DBI              ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set                  ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier       ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[checkmap                ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
******** A new map has loaded (fy_iceworld)
[plugin_precache         ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_precache           ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[plugin_init             ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[WAR3_exec_config        ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_connect          ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[client_putinserver      ] [1  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[on_ResetHud             ] [1  ] [[shoo+7]Mr.G                    ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[on_CurWeapon            ] [1  ] [[shoo+7]Mr.G                    ] [0:0:0:0:0:                      ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables      ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[lang_Set_Menus          ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_DBI              ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set                  ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier       ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]
[checkmap                ] [0  ] [                                ] [                                ]

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:14 am

Post by v8kozik » Sat Dec 17, 2005 7:20 am

******** A new map has loaded (cs_assault)
[plugin_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_precache ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[plugin_init ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_exec_config ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[WAR3_Set_Variables ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[lang_Set_Menus ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_DBI ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[XP_Set_Multiplier ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[checkmap ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_FreezeTimeComplete ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[client_connect ] [1 ] [ ] [ ]
[client_putinserver ] [1 ] [ ] [ ]
[on_ResetHud ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[race9_randomize ] [0 ] [ ] [ ]
[Ultimate_Icon ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Skill_Check ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Skills_Blink ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[Ultimate_Icon ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[on_CurWeapon ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0: ]
[unholyspeed ] [1 ] [kozik ] [0:0:0:0:0:

The result is HLDS crashing with Application error unholyspeed is the last row written in the log every time.

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<b>King of the world!</b>
Posts: 3159
Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:24 pm

Post by Geesu » Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:49 am

Well its not conclusive enough :/ I would need access to your machine to debug this
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